Sunday, March 23, 2003

That's How You Get Fans

Cool. Very cool. Alex "Ax" McClennan is on an Elf fansite that I'm on. It's dedicated to all the unofficial Elves in LOTR. You can find his official fanpage here at The Argonath:

He's a pretty groovy guy, and quite polite, at that. I think it's VERY awesome when people who have fansites dedicated to them actually take the time to have a conversation or two (or few) with the fans. *big teethy grin* THAT is how you get a fanbase. Not by acting like you're too good to interact with the fans, but by taking the time to interact and give them a little bit to feed their interest. If you're too hard to get a hold of, people either lose interest or they get bitter and turn against you, but if you give a little bit here and there, you keep the ball rolling. And it's just the polite thing to do :-p lol

If you don't know which elf he is in the Lord of the Rings movies, here's a few pics to help you get an idea. They're pretty small and not good of quality, but it's just to show you which Elf he is. This is Amanthon, Elf of the Left Tree Root.

I really wish I could have been an extra. That would be SO AWESOME to be a part of the LOTR movies... I bet I would have been made into a Hobbit, though... Short and squat... Homely... *envies the Elves* But hey, Rosie Cotton was pretty hot, right??? lol  Anyway, thank you Ax, for taking the time to make the fangirls happy! ♥

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