Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012!!!

Happy 2012 to anyone out there who might actually be following this blog! We love you! lol ♥

This is supposed to be the "big year", and I'm excited. Do I think there's going to be doom and gloom at the end of the year? Nope. I'm not worried about it, and personally, if something WAS supposed to happen this year, I'd like to think of it as something good, you know? Best to be positive about it than to be so negative... There's enough negative things in my life, and I don't need to fret myself with that... Especially when I enjoy every day as if it were my last anyway. Once you've come close to death, it's kind of hard to take any day for granted...

What is my resolution? This year, I'd like to ENJOY life and make the best of what I've got. I usually do that anyway, but it's more important now than ever. I'd make a typical resolution like losing weight, but though I DO want to lose weight, it's not my whole focus for the year. My focus is my friends, my family, and being HAPPY. Smoking and drinking? Never been a problem. Learning something new? When have I ever needed to make a yearly resolution for that? That's a life-long resolution! :-) Yes, I'd like to be even MORE Earth Friendly like last year's resolution, but family and love really do matter more. Saving money? Yeah, I'd like to, but sometimes things happen beyond our control. Thinking positive would help me through that, though, and as far as money and my daughter go - you don't need money to play at the park. You don't need money to cuddle up and share a story. You don't need money to build great memories that she'll always keep in her heart.

Anyway, with all that being said, I hope you and yours have a fantabulous new year, and that you get all you hope for. May this new year bring you many great moments, and even greater memories!

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