Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pizza and Chill (Dream)

In this dream, I dreamt I joined some pizza place (a place I don't remember ever seeing before, but they used red as their color, like Pizza Hut, but it was no building I ever remember being in, in real life. I was hired on to make pizzas, which I actually had experience doing before as a Pizza Hut and Casey's General Store employee back during my late teenage years.

A woman called and asked how much a large pizza with 5 toppings would cost. I told her the price, and then when I asked her what toppings she wanted, she started naming off things we didn't have, such as feta cheese. I can't remember all the things she asked for, but I remember telling her that all we had were basic toppings. Finally, she settled on 5 layers of pepperoni. Then I had to explain to her that cheese was counted as a topping, so if she only wanted 5 toppings, she would have to order cheese, and 4 layers of pepperoni.

Then she also asked for a drizzle of "honey Sriracha" on top. I had to explain to her that we didn't do that kind of thing here. It was just a basic simple pizza shop. After ringing up her order, the pizza came up to about $50. I told her, "It'll be ready in about 20 minutes?" and look over at my coworker, who shrugs. Neither of us really knew how long it would take to cook a pizza with that many toppings.

My co-worker was Brian Dietzen, who plays Jimmy Palmer, assistant to Ducky on the show NCIS, which was strange because I never had taken an interest in him before. Why was he in my dream about pizza??? Anyway, I make her pizza and send it through, and take another order from someone on the phone.

Then I have to hang up the order on the rack for him to see so he can make it. I have to squeeze in between him and the table to hang up the order, and when I do, he brushes up against me. I blush, give a nervous laugh as I often do, and look at him over my shoulder with a smile. I had no idea he had liked me this way. He laughs as well, and I finish taking the order on the phone.

Then I have to go into another room to do some dishes. I don't know why, but I wrap my hair up in a bun, take a pair of Tricity's old panties, and use them to hold my bun in place like a ponytail holder. I help another coworker make a dish involving sides of vegetables. This one has some steamed broccoli, something prickly and pink, and some mushrooms.

After we throw it together and send it off to cook, some coworkers come in and tell me that some irate customer wants to speak to me. It's the husband of the crazy pizza lady I had to deal with earlier. He wanted to know what happened and what we said during our conversation, because she's going crazy, ranting and raving about a pizza that cost almost $50.

I told him exactly what she said, everything I said, and the decision she finally decided on making, but that she was very unhappy. He decides it's an acceptable answer and leaves. Then I woke up.

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