Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Days Make Me Sick, Too

Ha... The title is just for the LOLs because yesterday was election day, and Tricity had to stay home from school today because she was sick.

Since yesterday was Adam's birthday, Mom cooked dinner for us, and we got stuffed! So much that I think Tricity ended up getting sour stomach from eating so much, and that's what made her throw up this morning, so she's here with me today. It's so weird... When I get sour stomach (which very rarely happens), my indigestion smells like boiled eggs. When Tricity gets sour stomach, hers smells like a trash can. And when Adam gets it, he has these demonic-sounding belches, and his smell like terrible, horrible, rotten farts. I know, I know... TMI

Anyway, I stayed up all night following the election on Twitter. Even my friends from the UK were keeping up with it! LOL Not that either candidate was a good choice, but I have to admit that I'm highly disappointed with the results. I personally think we just took a huge step back in progress. We gave up the chance for the 1st female president so that a pig-headed woman-groper could be in charge. I guess it shows that women still don't matter when it matters most... That's just my thoughts. Not meaning to start any arguments with anyone LOL

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