Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I Have to Drug Myself to Sleep

Getting older sucks... I noticed I've been having trouble sleeping at night, and even more trouble staying asleep through the night once I've finally gotten a few hours of rest. I decided I would try melatonin and see if that helps. Melatonin is a dietary supplement that helps maintain normal sleep patterns without feeling so groggy the next day. (So I'm not exactly drugging myself, but it's still a pill that I take to help me get some sleep lol) :-p

I noticed a HUGE difference! I was able to stay asleep most nights. And if I woke up in the middle of the night to pee (that's another 'getting older' thing that I can't stand lol), I was able to go right back to sleep afterwards. I didn't lay there with a million things going through my mind. I just lad back down, closed my eyes, and simply went back to sleep.

Without it, like last night, I noticed how hard it was to fall asleep. I didn't get to sleep until after 1 AM. And then once I finally got to sleep, I kept waking up and switching from my left side to my right side, to my back, wash, rinse, repeat. And if I don't take the melatonin and have to get up, then it's hard to fall back to sleep and I would usually end up getting just a few hours of rest through the night.

I just hate that I have to take something to get the rest that I need... I shouldn't have to take a sleep aid just to do it, but that's what getting older will do to you. I learned my lesson last night, though. From now on, if I have to work the next day, I'm taking my melatonin and getting some decent rest!

Hope you guys are doing well.

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