Saturday, February 2, 2019

Ignorance is Bliss? (My Wish Haul - So Far)

They say ignorance is bliss, and that used to make me mad because I felt it was important to know things, and that knowledge was the most of life's most important tools to have. I don't think I ever fully understood that statement, but now that I'm older, I realize just how much of a sarcastic statement it really is. Especially now that I'm in that situation :-p

'Situation', you may ask? Yeah... I made the mistake of downloading this app called "Wish". So now that I KNOW about all the cheap novelty stuff on there, there's soooo many things that I want. And these ideas pop into my head like - I can become a tattoo artist! I can grow an indoor garden! I can wear steampunk cosplay!

But now that I know about this app, I'm excited about it, but I also regret ever downloading it! X-D  LOL  because now I can see myself working on new projects that I will probably never complete, or buying a bunch of junk I don't need, or spending a lot of money I don't need to spend, even though the stuff is actually pretty cheap. I feel like it's going to be a lot more hassle than I need. So that's why I feel like - if I hadn't known about this site, I may have been better off. But I'm not so bothered, I guess. It's stuff I've been wanting to get, or didn't realize I wanted to get  :-p  LOL

So far, I have gotten these items, either already in my possession, or on the way:

These masks

This engraver 

This nose piercer

These nose rings

This headband

Some henna stuff to decorate my skin

This highlighter makeup

This survival bracelet

These syringe pens

This tattoo kit

These heart-shaped glasses

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