First - I haven't gotten the properties of this thing worked out... yet, so if it sucks, bear with me. Either that, or suffer.
Second - Colors are good. Colors are my friends. I am known to use them a lot, too.
Third - Spelling/Grammar... My spelling and the way I write may not be all too perfect, but I don't care. Go ahead! Laugh at me for it.
Fourth - I'm not really as bad or as mean as I may seem. Really. I'm just using this journal as a place to vent my emotions on the things that affect me.
And Fifth - I may not post as much as I should, but that's because I don't take the time to. Yes, I procrastinate, and yes, I'm lazy. Oh, like there aren't any of you who aren't.
Now that that's all said and done... It is time for the feast to begin... Glut yourself upon my soul by filling your innards with my emotions in which I birth.
current mood:
current music: Get This Party Started - Pink
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