Monday, February 25, 2002

VH (Virtual Hogwarts) Fan Fic Quidditch Teams

I started getting info from people I'll be using as characters in my story, and so far, I only have complete and final listings for the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams.

Keeper: Josh
Seeker: Harry Potter
Beaters: Ron Weasley and Wheezy
Chasers: Star, Mandee, and Ginny Weasley (Xenos as a reserve player when Ginny gets hurt. Our board has Reserve players, so it's going to go well.)

Keeper: Deus
Seeker: Draco Malfoy
Beaters: Candice and Darkwolf
Chasers: Tempy, Sashya and Iggy

As for the rest of the teams, I hardly have anything for the Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuffs and I don't get along so well... So therefore, I don't know who would be best at what. I know I'll include Kame and Andrew Estrada. They're pretty big on their posting, so I would know or like them more than any others. So far, for Ravenclaw, I have:

Keeper: Cicero
Seeker: Cho
Beaters: Sam and Krow
Chasers: Itsy, Jex, Benny

This is not the standing team for Ravenclaw... This is just an idea until I do a bit more looking around. Good? Bad? What do you think? I like the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams so far. *smiles and nods*

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Something by the Weird Sisters (a Harry Potter created band)

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