Today, I had gotten two bottles of childrens' vitamins, because I saw them... They were there... and I like the way they taste. If I were a more stupid person, I might even be addicted to them. But I'm smarter than that, and know that what I did was bad, and I only do it maybe two times out of the year, if at all.
Anyway, what I had done was eaten all of them within one hour today. Two bottles worth! That's 90 tablets of childrens' chewable vitamins! That's 100% times 90, so I've taken 9,000% of the vitamins. I know it's a LOT, which would explain why I'm quite hyper. But... like I said, tomorrow, I will be paying for it. I know that right now, I have the biggest case of the munchies. But that could also be just because I'm hungry! lol Obviously if I was craving them that bad, then my body is seriously lacking some kind of vitamin or nutrient, right? But I also know that too much of certain kinds of vitamins are very bad for you!
I know it was a stupid thing to do. But at least I didn't go further and take something more serious. It's not like I'm popping in vicodin or drugs like that. While growing up, my mom would always keep any of her prescriptions hidden from possible cases just like this. Yes, I'm a pill popper. If I got a headache? I pop in a pill. See a bottle of St. John's wort laying around? I pop in a pill. Get the sniffles? I pop a pill. Think I'll have a busy night at work and my body will be getting sore? I pop a pill. Everything has become so conventional and easy to access that way... But with childrens' vitamins and childrens' Tylenol, I eat those like candy! Why do they have to taste so good?
Anyway... comments are very welcomed at this point. I'm in the mood to chat, and you guys are probably thinking I'm crazy right now anyway! lol Thanks to Tempy for showing me how to get the comments to work! *big glomps and kisses* Thanks! *Joy!*
Current Mood:
Current Music: Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)- Marilyn Manson
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