Friday, August 5, 2011

Healthy Eating is for the Rich - Rant

A little rant today, because I read an article that made me roll my eyes because it was soooooo obvious... Healthy eating is for the rich? They just NOW figured this out, or what? It's pretty obvious, isn't it?

I don't know about the prices in other parts to the country, let alone other parts of the world, but fresh foods aren't so cheap around here. People who can afford $1.00 per orange CAN eat a pure whole fruit packed with all sorts of healthy goodness. People who have money CAN afford to buy all fresh foods, they can afford to make frequent trips to the supermarket (because let's face it, good food like that goes bad fast, and needs to be replaced weekly). Whereas poor people like me can only afford to buy processed foods that last longer, packed with all kinds of additives, preservatives, and cardboard - foods with all kinds of extra stuff that's not necessary, and usually not very healthy either. Okay, maybe not cardboard, that's a little extreme, but it sure seems that way, because all we're eating is junk. That's all we can AFFORD to eat!

What's that? A garden you say? Well if you're like me, some of us can't have a garden. We don't own homes. We rent. And with renting a home comes rules. At the moment, we live in a trailer park. That means I can't have a garden in what little yard I have. I DO have a container garden that I tend for a hobby, but it's not nearly enough to sustain my family. Families who are wealthy can usually afford to buy a home and plant a huge garden. Poor folk like me can only afford to pay the rent of a mobile home, and therefore don't have that privilege.

Anyway, that's pretty much all I've got to say about that. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to eat healthy but for now, I've got to make due with what I got, and those who CAN afford to eat healthy, I'm sure you already count yourselves lucky, so I don't believe I have to tell you to do so...

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