Saturday, March 16, 2002

I Got Checked Out!

A while back, I had asked this lady at the music store if she could order the Rent musical CD for me, so I went to go check and see if it was in yet. I was sooooo badly wanting to get today when I went to the music store. It will cost me around $40. I only had $25 in my pocket, so I told the woman that I would get it next weekend when I got paid. She said all was cool, and so I bought something else for the time being.

I bought Adema's CD. I guess it's called... er... *takes it out to examine it* Adema? *tilts head to the side and puts it back in, playing numbers 3 and 5*

I also got the soundtrack for Pocahontas. It was used and slightly scratched, but there's the song on there by Grandmother Willow that I love called Listen With Your Heart.

Sooo.... I was looking for a CD to buy, seeing what I could afford and what I couldn't. This was before I decided to get the Pocahontas soundtrack. I bypassed a few strangers whom were standing in my way, not really paying attention to them, right? Mom told me to hurry up, so I picked out my 2 CD's and went up to the register. Then the chick behind the counter asks me - "Yeah, you know those two guys who just left?" I nodded slightly, so that I may hear what she wanted to say. She goes on... "Well, they were asking 'Hey, do you know that red-head back there? You know, she's kinda cute'"

My eyes went wide. There, in the store, some guys were checking me out? That isn't very common, you know... Usually in public, I had always thought that I came off to be a sort of "Ice Queen" to strangers... Apparently something has changed...

Anyway, she told me that she told them she thought I was too young. Apparently, she thought I was 15! *snickers* I told her my real age, and she was shocked. But that's the way most women in our family are, though. We don't really age. I felt flattered twice! First - the fact that I don't have to do anything to have guys check me out, and because I look nearly 5 years younger than what I am! lol

Not that I care for guys checking me out... This is where I'm supposed to say that there's more to a girl than her looks. She's got a brain, she's got feelings... But let's be real - for not happening that often, that was quite a nice surprise! It makes me wonder just how often it happens without me knowing about it. How many people have said that about me and no one has ever spoken up? If only more people would speak their minds...

So, now, I am listening to Adema and Pocahontas, and wishing I had $40 right now, so I could go back and get Rent now that I know it came in, and maybe impress another guy or two. LOL! Life can throw you for a loop some times.

current mood: embarrassed
current music: The Way You Like It - Adema

Friday, March 15, 2002

My Nose Piercing Closed Up!

Well, to start off, the nose piercing I had done nearly a year ago all on my own? It finally closed up thanks to work's rules about no jewelry in the kitchen... Just freaking great...

So now I have come up with a new plan, It will involve re-piercing it, of course. Why do I do so, you ask? Because I have always wanted one since I knew they existed, which was at a very young age. They have always been something I wanted for sooooo long, though my mom had never let me have it done. Once I moved out on my own, it became a choice I had gotten to make on my own, and I finally did it. Something of my own free will, in which my mother couldn't stop me from doing since I was my own boss. Not only that, but I just think they're cute :-)

Now, as for the new plan... I shall re-pierce it, and once that is done, in order to keep it from closing, I shall take the post off of another earring and wear that while I am working. Hopefully it won't show when I wear it. The customers might see a dot, but it's hard for them to see over the counter.

I used to do that, but had forgotten about them when I started taking it out for work. I have one for my eyebrow too, because I REALLY don't want to risk that one closing up. I had to have that one done at some shop, and it cost $35 for it.

The only other one I REALLY want is the lip ring in the center (a labret), but I'm pondering how I could get around having to take that out at work... How could/would I be able to wear something that the standard vision couldn't see? *ponders*

current mood: hopeful
current music: Giving In - Adema

Saturday, March 9, 2002

My New Favorite Movie/Musical - Moulin Rouge

WARNING... For those of you who have not seen it, this might contain spoilers to Moulin Rouge. I just highly recommend this, so I decided to talk about it, and tell the story. That is all.

Ok... I have been into Moulin Rogue for a while now. I guess you could say that it's my second favorite musical besides Phantom of the Opera. It shall always be number one. Then Moulin Rogue, and then Jekyll and Hyde.

Hmm... *looks at that little list* I see a pattern... Good love stories that have tragic endings... I'm a sucker for those, I guess. Ok, ok. I'm a sap. No, wait... A sap would be someone who adores happy endings. I like tragic ones. Ok... Call me twisted then. *evil grin*

Anyway... I had wanted to see the movie, thinking it would be a regular movie about the story behind the whole Moulin Rouge thing, expecting a movie like any other movie Nicole Kidman would have been in. Never did I expect a musical, of all things.

So mom, thinking the same thing, had bought it, and we watched it a few months ago. But then... as I watched it... something happened. It wasn't an ordinary movie. They... They had started singing! Well, that turned mom's attention away from it, whereas mine had me glued to the screen.

But more than that, it was a story about love. Of all things... love. The one thing that had both caused me such pain and such happiness all at one time. The one thing that drives me to insanity, yet keeps me far from it. The one thing that saves me... brings me life anew... a fresh breath of living to my soul, and yet kills me every waking day... ripping out my bleeding heart from my chest... sucking the marrow from my bones... acting as a black hole for all my happiness... LOVE.

Well, mom had went upstairs as the movie progressed. The music was good. The storyline was getting interesting - the lead lady of a gentleman's night club falling in love with a writer for their new show (by accident), their own story being transformed into the show so they could sneak around together.

However, she was supposed to be "hands off" to all men, besides the one funding the whole production. The Duke. The only thing about that, was that she wasn't in love with the Duke. She found that she was in love with the poor writer, just as he was completely in love with her. It was their main obsession for one another, both loving for what seemed to be the first time.

Finally, opening night came and she was supposed to sleep with the Duke. That was "reward" for funding the show, a payment decided before she ever met her love, the writer. "Come What May", she told him, which was the song they had promised to one another. That promise being - whatever came their way, come what may, they would always love one another, and nothing would ever change that.

So she went off to do the deed, and he was driven mad that night, not being able to bear the thought of her in the arms of another man... even just being eyed by that creep. But her love was too strong. She could not complete the transaction. The Duke knew that she had been going behind his back with the writer, as well, so he was going to TAKE his payment. However, he got knocked out, allowing her to escape.

The two were to elope with one another, when she found out that she was dying... Not only that, but if the Duke saw the writer anywhere around the area again, he would have him killed. That, and the show's ending was going to be changed.

The show - it was supposed to be about a Courtesan who fell in love with a Sitar player, when she was supposed to be betrothed to the Evil Maharajah. Well, the Sitar player has a secret song... their real song... which is supposed to help them flee the Evil Maharajah, and live together in love. Well, the Duke, being represented by the Evil Maharajah, had caught onto this story and declared that the ending be changed so that the Courtesan decided that staying with the Evil Maharajah was a much better choice than staying with the poor Sitar player.

So Satine, the main woman... the Courtesan, if you will... had to tell Christian, the writer, that she coudln't love him. She had to lie to him, telling him that she could never love a poor writer, just so that he would leave, and his life would be saved. This way, she could die without him being hurt in the process, and he wouldn't get killed by the Duke for looming around.

Deeply hurt, he stayed in his room, seeming nearly dead to the world anyhow. But his friend, John Leguizamo's character, had basically told him that she still loved him, and he honestly believed it himself because he believed in the power of love. Christian didn't want to hear it, though. But after his friend left, the doubts lingered. He had to make sure.

He took off to the Moulin Rouge to see Satine once more, not knowing that both of their lives were on the line. Eventually, through a big chase-down, he gives her a piece of his mind, and how she hurt him. However, this display happened on the stage in front of everyone during a live show. Then, as he was walking out, his friend yelled out the phrase that meant everything to him.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn... is just to love... and be loved in return...

Feeling betrayed by that phrase, he started walking out yet again. Suddenly, Satine had to let him know. Had to confess her love to him one final time. She had strength enough to rise and sing out to him their ballad... Come What May. Once she did so, he realized that she loved him all along, and they joined hand in hand once more. The Duke, however, had left in the middle of it all, not before trying to fire a shot at Christian.

But luckily, he didn't get a good shot, and left them to one another. The curtains closed on a brilliant show, and he could finally hold her in his arms, having her all to himself. She, the same. But... that was when her final bout of sickness kicked in... She was slipping... fast...

He held her tightly as she fell to the ground, coughing up blood. He hadn't known what was wrong, but simply held onto her, keeping her as close to him as he could as her life was being drained for good, obviously trying to hold onto her as she was slipping away. She whispered what she could to him that he must go on. He had to live to tell the story... And that she loved him... With that, she died.

And so I sat there watching... My eyes wide and my cheeks wet with tears, seeing that the movie held true to it's description. It was indeed a story about love. The kind of love I would die for, just like Satine. Just to have that one person to love, and have them love me in return. That undying love, that come what may... It will always be there no matter what were to happen.

Thus, began my love for that movie/musical. My love for love. My obsession with it. So if you see me talk about the songs from it here and there... If I mention it... It's because I've got it on my mind. Not the movie, mind you. No... I mean love.

Sadly, the more I think of this movie, the more I take a look at it, and take a look at myself... The more I feel alone. The more I get saddened, because I want a love like that. I guess that's what makes it such a great movie, actually. The fact that something like that can exist... And that's all I ask for in this world.

So to close this long thread, and put you all out of your misery, I will leave you with that infamous Moulin Rouge quote:

The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love... and be loved in return...

current mood: lonely
current music: Come What May - Moulin Rouge Sountrack 2

Monday, March 4, 2002


Whoa... I feel like I've been avoiding my journal... Man, with chatting all the time, keeping up with this, the DE board, and the VH board is quite a job. I'm always chatting, so I get distracted, and don't tend to these things, let alone take the time to write. The chats, though... They're so much fun! I love them, they are great!

Thought I would leave an update for everyone. I don't feel like fixing my schedule, so I'll tell you all here: I don't work Wednesday, thank goodness, and as for Saturday, I only work 5-8 instead.

As for those of you who wonder what boards I'm always talking about are, they are here:
DE board - X-Men Dark Evolutions:
VH board - Virtual Hogwarts:
And now? It seems like I've been asked to join a Star Wars RP board, but I won't post the link until I am certain.

Now I need to make MORE journal entries: There is a song that has me feeling so-so that I have been playing on repeat... a cool dream I had maaaaaany nights ago... stuff I can't really say to anyone but I can always put down better by writing, stuff like that. Er... after I make oooooooone more post on the role play boards! *snickers* I swear... Just one, and that's IT! I promise. Quit looking at my crossed fingers! lol

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Lemon - U2