Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pizza and Chill (Dream)

In this dream, I dreamt I joined some pizza place (a place I don't remember ever seeing before, but they used red as their color, like Pizza Hut, but it was no building I ever remember being in, in real life. I was hired on to make pizzas, which I actually had experience doing before as a Pizza Hut and Casey's General Store employee back during my late teenage years.

A woman called and asked how much a large pizza with 5 toppings would cost. I told her the price, and then when I asked her what toppings she wanted, she started naming off things we didn't have, such as feta cheese. I can't remember all the things she asked for, but I remember telling her that all we had were basic toppings. Finally, she settled on 5 layers of pepperoni. Then I had to explain to her that cheese was counted as a topping, so if she only wanted 5 toppings, she would have to order cheese, and 4 layers of pepperoni.

Then she also asked for a drizzle of "honey Sriracha" on top. I had to explain to her that we didn't do that kind of thing here. It was just a basic simple pizza shop. After ringing up her order, the pizza came up to about $50. I told her, "It'll be ready in about 20 minutes?" and look over at my coworker, who shrugs. Neither of us really knew how long it would take to cook a pizza with that many toppings.

My co-worker was Brian Dietzen, who plays Jimmy Palmer, assistant to Ducky on the show NCIS, which was strange because I never had taken an interest in him before. Why was he in my dream about pizza??? Anyway, I make her pizza and send it through, and take another order from someone on the phone.

Then I have to hang up the order on the rack for him to see so he can make it. I have to squeeze in between him and the table to hang up the order, and when I do, he brushes up against me. I blush, give a nervous laugh as I often do, and look at him over my shoulder with a smile. I had no idea he had liked me this way. He laughs as well, and I finish taking the order on the phone.

Then I have to go into another room to do some dishes. I don't know why, but I wrap my hair up in a bun, take a pair of Tricity's old panties, and use them to hold my bun in place like a ponytail holder. I help another coworker make a dish involving sides of vegetables. This one has some steamed broccoli, something prickly and pink, and some mushrooms.

After we throw it together and send it off to cook, some coworkers come in and tell me that some irate customer wants to speak to me. It's the husband of the crazy pizza lady I had to deal with earlier. He wanted to know what happened and what we said during our conversation, because she's going crazy, ranting and raving about a pizza that cost almost $50.

I told him exactly what she said, everything I said, and the decision she finally decided on making, but that she was very unhappy. He decides it's an acceptable answer and leaves. Then I woke up.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tricity's Halloween Party (Tricity's Dream)

Tricity said she had a dream last night that she was a substitute teacher at school, and she was hosting a Halloween party. There were games, food, and fun! It wasn't just a small class party, it was like a town picnic, or a faire.

She said there was a dunking booth, where you could throw a pie at the target to dunk a guy who was dressed like Sans from Undertale, because "Sans gets dunked on", as she said.

She said she was dressed like Chara from  Undertale, which is who she wants to be this year for Halloween. After the Halloween party was over, she said she dreamed she went to her Grandma's house, and her cousin Jolie was there, who was ALSO wearing a Chara costume, and she was like - Hey! How did you know I was going to be wearing this costume?


Worms Laying Eggs Under My Skin! (Dream)

This dream is kind of gross and very graphic, so I apologize ahead of time. It's probably the grossest dream I've ever had  :-(

I dreamed I was attending graduation for a friend of mine, and there was a talent show going on with the graduates. I was sitting in the bleachers, waiting for my friend to preform, but it was taking forever, and to be honest, some of these people were kind of boring. It was really dark in the building because of the lights from the stage being so blaringly bright, so I couldn't really see who I was sitting next to.

Somehow, I ended up with a blanket, and I fell asleep next to some guy, and when I finally woke up, it was lighter in the building, and I was slumped against the poor fellow. I apologized over and over, and then saw he had some holes all over his face, like an infection of some kind. They weren't like acne scars, they were large fresh-looking holes in different shades of red that were crusted over with yellow, as if they had started to heal. It reminded me of a certain picture I was shown of someone's hand with holes on the palm and fingers (which was actually a special effects makeup job, but it was still disturbing).

He said that it was quite alright, but that he was the one who was sorry. I was confused, and the look showed on my face. I asked what he meant, and he said it was because now I had what he had. He pulled out a mirror and I saw that I had sores like that all over my face, and I suddenly had blond hair. I started crying, saying "How could you do this to me?" and then I woke myself up.

I tried to go back to sleep, hoping I would dream of something else, but I was sitting on the bleachers again, and this time I looked like myself. I felt my face. No sores :-) However, some older gentleman was sitting behind me, and told me that I didn't have them yet, but once the eggs hatched, I would start to get them. Again, I was confused. He said "The worms, they're laying eggs under your skin."

Panicked, I suddenly felt a pain in my left arm, and I looked down. Sure enough, there was a sore on my arm, and even further down was a worm-shaped lump. My heart started racing. I tried to put pressure on my arm to keep it from wiggling down any further. Then I tried to squeeze it backwards, back out of the hole it had made to burrow into my skin. It was a struggle, but it started to work. I saw it's white tail, and I pulled it out. It looked like a maggot.

I checked for any more holes, but then I felt a pain in my other arm, and I did the same thing. However, this one also had little hard ball-shaped lumps in my arm, just under the skin. The worm had laid eggs! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I was trying to be quick and fast about getting them out of me.

Then the old guy talked to me again, telling me not to forget about the eggs in my other arm. I felt my arm, and I said "No, there's nothing here." He said it was further up. Sure enough, on my upper arm and a bit behind, there were hard lumps like a trail of eggs. I felt so sick to my stomach.

I probably tried about 20 times last night to wake up and stop dreaming, but each time, I went right back into the same dream :-(

This time, when I went back into my dream, the lumps had grown and were now about the size of peas. It was a constant struggle to get the maggot-looking worms out of my skin. Finally, I took a knife and made a small cut in my right arm. There was no blood, but I was able to move the wound around and pop out the hard worm eggs. They even looked like peas.

By the time I got out all the eggs and started on my left arm, the lumps were gone, and there were bruised-looking sore spots where they had been. I knew they weren't gone, though. They just weren't hard any more, which meant they had either hatched, or they were about to hatch. I made a cut and dug around, and sure enough, they came out like peas, just like the others.

Just when I thought I had gotten them all, the old man asked if I had checked the rest of my body. Why didn't I even think about that? I raised up my shirt and looked at my stomach. Sure enough, there were the same bruised-looking spots. I went to dig out more eggs, but this time, it came out as pus.

He said "Oh dear, those would be the face worms. By now, they've worked their way up to your face. I wouldn't look in the mirror if I were you." So of course I had to look... but I didn't see anything. I kept watch for any movement. I even poked around on my face, but nothing was happening. I'd keep an eye on it, but by now, it was almost time to wake up and my dream was coming to an end.

I drained more spots where worms had laid their eggs, and I had holes in my arms where the harder eggs had been... I kept checking on my face, but it seemed to be fine. Thankfully my alarm went off and I got up. I hope I never, ever, EVER have creepy dreams like that again :-(

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mean Squirrels (Tricity's Dream)

Tricity said last night, she dreamed that her and some of her friends from school were in a tree. They weren't at school, they were somewhere else, but they were fairies! And there were some squirrels in the tree that were being mean to them.

She said that down below, there was this guy who was trying to push a piece of wood into the mud. The wood was shaped like a person. She said that her and her friends tried to help him, because they were going to splash the mud up at the squirrels, but they couldn't do it right, and then I woke her up to get ready for school.

She also said that in her dream, her name was Flair, her friend Trinity's name was Flower, and her friend Jacob's name was Flash. They were all wearing leaf clothes (like in Disney Fairies) and her outfit was blue and purple, Trinity (or Flower) had purple and pink, and Jacob (Flash) had red and blue.

School Picture Retakes, and a Lewd Video (Dream)

In this dream, I was back in high school, as an adult. In my dreams, I commonly go back to school, but I'm still the age I am now, and I look like I do now, but I'm a student and no one else ever seems to notice, or even cares.

Anyway, it was picture day. Unfortunately, I didn't know this, and I came to school without makeup, my eyebrows weren't done, I was wearing my glasses, my hair was frizzy, and I basically looked my worst. I tried to make the best out of a bad situation, though, and I thought to myself - Meh... I'll do what I have to do, get my picture taken, and just take a new picture on retake day with my hair fixed and my makeup and contacts on.

This made me think of my days back in high school when I was a teenager. I pulled out some old photos from those days. These pictures don't actually exist, mind you. One of them wasn't even me, but it had my face. These pictures were only in my dreams, and I've NEVER actually had to take any pictures on a retake day.

In the dream, I was hoping that the situation wouldn't turn out before, where I thought I looked like crap on picture day, but then on retake day, I ended up looking even worse. I looked at the first photo, (which was actually a picture of my friend Wendy back in high school, but the picture had my face on it in my dream) and I had short, red, spiky hair, and just a black t-shirt, but I looked really cute! And the other photo, I thought I looked cute, but I ended up looking like a complete dork. It's funny how you think things are one way when you're younger, but you get older and wiser, and look back at stuff and wonder - what the heck was I thinking back then? Anyway, I looked at myself again now, and thought - there was no way that picture retake day was going to be any worse than today's picture...

Then the dream changed a little. I went to another classroom and I was asked by the teacher to give a phone and $200 to a student. I don't remember the name, but I remember it was some boy, and the teacher told me not to turn on the phone, and once I gave the boy his phone and "lunch money" as he called it, then he would pay me one of the hundred dollar bills as a reward.

I couldn't resist, though. If it involved this much money just to deliver some boy a phone, what could possibly be that important? So I turned on the phone and saw some VERY inappropriate content. I quickly turned the phone off, put the money in my pocket, and went straight home as if nothing happened. Why would a teacher want me to give something like that to a student? I was disgusted...

On the way out, I passed Tricity's 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Derickson. I thought she might say hi, so I waved, but she never waved back. She didn't even seem to recognize me. I went out the doors, and down the ramp, which was like the exit to the bus lot when I attended the Red Bud Elementary school. This was a little strange because the school in my dream had previously been the Perryville High School, but this is the way dream logic works...

I went straight home, and went down to the basement where I was living in my dream, which actually reminded me of the inside of the blue house we lived in when I was younger, in Baldwin Illinois. In my dream, I was living with my Mom, but the basement was my own little space. I pulled out the phone and the money to see exactly what all was on this video. The guy in the video wasn't the teacher, though. He looked more like Vincent D'Onofrio to me. There was no way I was going to give this to some student. I put the phone away and looked at the money, thinking of what I could buy with it...

I went to go upstairs to see my Mom, but as I passed the recliner, I saw her sleeping in it. What was she doing down here in the basement, sleeping in my chair? That was weird to me. I hoped she hadn't seen or heard me, and I just decided to let her sleep there. After I went upstairs, I woke up.

Monday, September 19, 2016

I Turned Against Voldemort! (Dream)

In this dream, I worked as a Death Eater. I wasn't nearly one of the important ones, but the fact remains - I was a Death Eater, and therefore, I was bound to my loyalties to our Lord Voldemort... I was meant to go undercover at Hogwarts, but I can't remember if I was a student or a professor. I was still myself, in my current body, but sometimes I'm myself in school dreams where I'm always a student, so that is why it was unclear to me.

Either way, I attended Hogwarts, but during my time there, I had grown to appreciate it and love it. I don't really remember anything of what happened during my stay. Time seemed to pass all of a sudden in my dream. I remember how much I wanted to protect the school, though, so when news got back to Voldemort about how I turned on him, I was as good as dead in his eyes.

If I had been in the normal world, he would have come straight for me and killed me off. However, since I was on Hogwarts grounds, I was protected by the school's enchantments. He couldn't just simply show up and attack me. However, he could speak inside my mind, and I remember getting snarky arrogant comments and threats from him. I felt bad that I had betrayed him, but I didn't want anything to happen to the school.

By the time this all happened, I had already told Professor McGonagall the truth about why I was there, and that I was sorry and I wanted to help, so when he was attacking my mind, she put her arms around me in a hug like a mother would do, adding to the proof that this school was worth fighting for. I felt so much love and caring in that moment.

That's pretty much it for that dream.