Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Worms Laying Eggs Under My Skin! (Dream)

This dream is kind of gross and very graphic, so I apologize ahead of time. It's probably the grossest dream I've ever had  :-(

I dreamed I was attending graduation for a friend of mine, and there was a talent show going on with the graduates. I was sitting in the bleachers, waiting for my friend to preform, but it was taking forever, and to be honest, some of these people were kind of boring. It was really dark in the building because of the lights from the stage being so blaringly bright, so I couldn't really see who I was sitting next to.

Somehow, I ended up with a blanket, and I fell asleep next to some guy, and when I finally woke up, it was lighter in the building, and I was slumped against the poor fellow. I apologized over and over, and then saw he had some holes all over his face, like an infection of some kind. They weren't like acne scars, they were large fresh-looking holes in different shades of red that were crusted over with yellow, as if they had started to heal. It reminded me of a certain picture I was shown of someone's hand with holes on the palm and fingers (which was actually a special effects makeup job, but it was still disturbing).

He said that it was quite alright, but that he was the one who was sorry. I was confused, and the look showed on my face. I asked what he meant, and he said it was because now I had what he had. He pulled out a mirror and I saw that I had sores like that all over my face, and I suddenly had blond hair. I started crying, saying "How could you do this to me?" and then I woke myself up.

I tried to go back to sleep, hoping I would dream of something else, but I was sitting on the bleachers again, and this time I looked like myself. I felt my face. No sores :-) However, some older gentleman was sitting behind me, and told me that I didn't have them yet, but once the eggs hatched, I would start to get them. Again, I was confused. He said "The worms, they're laying eggs under your skin."

Panicked, I suddenly felt a pain in my left arm, and I looked down. Sure enough, there was a sore on my arm, and even further down was a worm-shaped lump. My heart started racing. I tried to put pressure on my arm to keep it from wiggling down any further. Then I tried to squeeze it backwards, back out of the hole it had made to burrow into my skin. It was a struggle, but it started to work. I saw it's white tail, and I pulled it out. It looked like a maggot.

I checked for any more holes, but then I felt a pain in my other arm, and I did the same thing. However, this one also had little hard ball-shaped lumps in my arm, just under the skin. The worm had laid eggs! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I was trying to be quick and fast about getting them out of me.

Then the old guy talked to me again, telling me not to forget about the eggs in my other arm. I felt my arm, and I said "No, there's nothing here." He said it was further up. Sure enough, on my upper arm and a bit behind, there were hard lumps like a trail of eggs. I felt so sick to my stomach.

I probably tried about 20 times last night to wake up and stop dreaming, but each time, I went right back into the same dream :-(

This time, when I went back into my dream, the lumps had grown and were now about the size of peas. It was a constant struggle to get the maggot-looking worms out of my skin. Finally, I took a knife and made a small cut in my right arm. There was no blood, but I was able to move the wound around and pop out the hard worm eggs. They even looked like peas.

By the time I got out all the eggs and started on my left arm, the lumps were gone, and there were bruised-looking sore spots where they had been. I knew they weren't gone, though. They just weren't hard any more, which meant they had either hatched, or they were about to hatch. I made a cut and dug around, and sure enough, they came out like peas, just like the others.

Just when I thought I had gotten them all, the old man asked if I had checked the rest of my body. Why didn't I even think about that? I raised up my shirt and looked at my stomach. Sure enough, there were the same bruised-looking spots. I went to dig out more eggs, but this time, it came out as pus.

He said "Oh dear, those would be the face worms. By now, they've worked their way up to your face. I wouldn't look in the mirror if I were you." So of course I had to look... but I didn't see anything. I kept watch for any movement. I even poked around on my face, but nothing was happening. I'd keep an eye on it, but by now, it was almost time to wake up and my dream was coming to an end.

I drained more spots where worms had laid their eggs, and I had holes in my arms where the harder eggs had been... I kept checking on my face, but it seemed to be fine. Thankfully my alarm went off and I got up. I hope I never, ever, EVER have creepy dreams like that again :-(

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