Tuesday, September 20, 2016

School Picture Retakes, and a Lewd Video (Dream)

In this dream, I was back in high school, as an adult. In my dreams, I commonly go back to school, but I'm still the age I am now, and I look like I do now, but I'm a student and no one else ever seems to notice, or even cares.

Anyway, it was picture day. Unfortunately, I didn't know this, and I came to school without makeup, my eyebrows weren't done, I was wearing my glasses, my hair was frizzy, and I basically looked my worst. I tried to make the best out of a bad situation, though, and I thought to myself - Meh... I'll do what I have to do, get my picture taken, and just take a new picture on retake day with my hair fixed and my makeup and contacts on.

This made me think of my days back in high school when I was a teenager. I pulled out some old photos from those days. These pictures don't actually exist, mind you. One of them wasn't even me, but it had my face. These pictures were only in my dreams, and I've NEVER actually had to take any pictures on a retake day.

In the dream, I was hoping that the situation wouldn't turn out before, where I thought I looked like crap on picture day, but then on retake day, I ended up looking even worse. I looked at the first photo, (which was actually a picture of my friend Wendy back in high school, but the picture had my face on it in my dream) and I had short, red, spiky hair, and just a black t-shirt, but I looked really cute! And the other photo, I thought I looked cute, but I ended up looking like a complete dork. It's funny how you think things are one way when you're younger, but you get older and wiser, and look back at stuff and wonder - what the heck was I thinking back then? Anyway, I looked at myself again now, and thought - there was no way that picture retake day was going to be any worse than today's picture...

Then the dream changed a little. I went to another classroom and I was asked by the teacher to give a phone and $200 to a student. I don't remember the name, but I remember it was some boy, and the teacher told me not to turn on the phone, and once I gave the boy his phone and "lunch money" as he called it, then he would pay me one of the hundred dollar bills as a reward.

I couldn't resist, though. If it involved this much money just to deliver some boy a phone, what could possibly be that important? So I turned on the phone and saw some VERY inappropriate content. I quickly turned the phone off, put the money in my pocket, and went straight home as if nothing happened. Why would a teacher want me to give something like that to a student? I was disgusted...

On the way out, I passed Tricity's 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Derickson. I thought she might say hi, so I waved, but she never waved back. She didn't even seem to recognize me. I went out the doors, and down the ramp, which was like the exit to the bus lot when I attended the Red Bud Elementary school. This was a little strange because the school in my dream had previously been the Perryville High School, but this is the way dream logic works...

I went straight home, and went down to the basement where I was living in my dream, which actually reminded me of the inside of the blue house we lived in when I was younger, in Baldwin Illinois. In my dream, I was living with my Mom, but the basement was my own little space. I pulled out the phone and the money to see exactly what all was on this video. The guy in the video wasn't the teacher, though. He looked more like Vincent D'Onofrio to me. There was no way I was going to give this to some student. I put the phone away and looked at the money, thinking of what I could buy with it...

I went to go upstairs to see my Mom, but as I passed the recliner, I saw her sleeping in it. What was she doing down here in the basement, sleeping in my chair? That was weird to me. I hoped she hadn't seen or heard me, and I just decided to let her sleep there. After I went upstairs, I woke up.

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