Friday, September 20, 2019

They Took Her DNA and Gave Me Her Child (Dream)

I dreamed I was back in school again, but I was myself as an adult going back to high school, not a teenager in high school. I remember I was there with the same friends I had back when I was younger, but for some reason, instead of my best friend Tahnee having passed away, it was my friend Samantha.

I don't remember what went on before this main part of the dream, but for some reason, I know they collected our DNA for a science project. Anyway, it was the end of the school year. It was nearly time to graduate, and we were at a banquet to accept our end-of-the-year awards (which I don't think is actually a thing? I don't remember it being a thing when I was in school). We were at a circle-shaped table, and it was the end of the night. The last thing to do was to have the little kids come out and sing. Kind of like how they would do for the Madrigal Dinner shows. They came out in their little white button-up dress shirts and bowties, and they sang a little song about school spirit.

After the show is when things got weird. The little kids were done were dispersing amongst the people, whom were starting to gather themselves to depart for the night. But one little girl came up to me and she tried talking to me, but I could barely understand her. It was almost like baby talk. Then she said "You're my Momma", once again sounding very baby-like. She looked to be about five years old, speaking like a baby. I said "Sorry sweetie, but I only have one daughter. I'd know if I gave birth to anyone else." But she seemed so latched onto me, certain that I was her mother. I looked at the others. "Does she belong to any of you guys?"

Just then, a teacher came up. It was a teacher I had never known in real life. They told us that these kids were created from the DNA that had been gathered earlier in the school year. So it was a possibility that this could have been my child, except - "But I opted out of that. I wasn't here when you guys did that." So there wasn't really a chance that this was my kid after all. I saw other little girls come up to my friends. Tara and Amanda, Amber... all of them had a child. Apparently now the dream had taken a turn to where the human population was dying off, so this was what they had to do to ensure we still thriving.

Wait a minute, I thought. Samantha was alive when they took the DNA samples. Possibilities went through my mind. Was this maybe her child? And because she passed away, and I wasn't there on the day they took it, did she maybe arrange to leave this child in my care? I asked the teacher about the girl. I told her that she seemed to be lost, but he said "No, it says right here." He pointed at a clipboard and showed me. It had her name, I forgot what the name said, but I think it was something like "Abigail Smith" to be left in the care of me.

I felt heartbroken. Samantha was no longer with us, but here was her daughter. It was like her way of still being with us, even though she was gone. She had something to pass onto this world. It was so sweet! I started crying. Apparently I started crying in my sleep because Tricity woke me up to make sure I was okay. Then I was up for the day.

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