Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lack of Posts

I SWEAR! I am the WORST person when it comes to doing anything that requires a steady dedication. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. It's been so long! It's been so busy! That might be why, but still, it's no excuse to at least post a sentence here and there, right?

Anyway, we've done a lot... and there's still so much more to do. So much to post, so many pictures to fix up, so many things to tell and share, and so much-grr-aahh!!! Just SO MUCH! lol

Bottom line? Life has been a roller coaster. Our van went out but we got a new (used) vehicle, the holidays were great, though we pretty much couldn't go anywhere much this year... We're still stuck in our tiny little home for now, which would be okay if it weren't for all of the little things that irritate me about it...

As for the new year, there's so much I hope that will be different this year. For starters, I'm hoping we can pay off my loans this year. Maybe start actually saving to get a home of our own some day. Tricity will be starting school this year, and though I will be stressing out and freaking out about it, maybe it'll give me a chance to finally catch up on some projects that I've been meaning to do around the house. I'm getting everyone's birthdays, and hoping I can actually send an email or special greeting or something to everyone this year. Cards would be too expensive, I would think. For some days, there are three or four birthdays on the same day! I also want to try growing a few more things besides tomatoes this year on my porch-garden. Last year's tomatoes didn't hardly grow at all, if any, but I know it was from lack of care. Maybe this year they will grow better?

Ah well... Time is short. Busy, busy, busy! Gotta run for now. Someone kick me in the butt and remind me to post more! lol

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