Monday, November 12, 2012

Long Time, No Post

My poor neglected blog... *pet-pets*

While my Facebook group has been thriving, my blog has suffered... I see the whole "10 cool things" idea went right out the window. Maybe I can reboot that and try again?  :-D

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I've been TRYING and TRYING to get videos made! My laptop has been giving me such fits, and my husband's computer doesn't have what I need to get them done. My laptop will only stay connected to the internet for about a minute, and then it's like it gets congested and won't go anywhere else, so I have to shut down my browser, restart it, and use the internet for about another minute. It gets so frustrating! And now, it keeps telling me that my memory is low, and shuts my programs down on me, so if I don't save my progress in time, I lose my work...

Other than that, I just wanted to update the blog. It's been lonely, I'm sure... My daughter has strep throat right now, and she was supposed to go to the dentist today and get 2 more teeth pulled. (I know, I know... you haven't even seen the first two teeth gone yet, have you?) She missed the Veteran's Day parade with her Girl Scout troop yesterday, so that means no badge :-(  but her health is more important. She's at school today, but that's because she's no longer contagious, and she acts like she's fine.

There's a couple of other things to mention, but I'll put them in separate blog entries, like her selling items, and my calendar. Let's see... what else happened lately? We went to the fire station's open house, there was the pumpkin patch thing, and Thursday will be the campfire thing... There was also a lot of Girl Scouts events that went on, but I'm not allowed to share those videos publicly, as per the troop leaders... I'm doing my best to fix everything up, so please bear with me.

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