Sunday, September 1, 2013


I am FINALLY (slowly but surely) getting things going again. I have some videos ready for editing, such as some back to school things, some DIY eco-friendly things, some Girl Scout stuff, and hopefully soon, I can get some videos of traveling things, men stuff, more reviews, shoutouts, food things, and MAYBE one of these days do a giveaway! Wouldn't that be great? Plus, I still have tons other videos that NEED to be made from way back when (such as past holidays, town events, garden stuff, etc).

I've even started using Instagram and Tumblr! Most of the stuff on them, though, have been my daughter's "Back to School Fashions" since she started school last month. I try to update daily with a collage of her outfit of the day. Then there's a few other random pictures thrown in through out the day, like places we go to, things I think are neat, stuff that I can't believe, so on and so forth.

Most importantly though, I can't stress it enough - if you want to keep in touch and see more updates, nothing gets updated more than my Facebook page! Pretty much everything I do gets updated on Facebook. All you have to do is go there, and "Like" my page! I'd really appreciate it  :-)

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