Saturday, April 12, 2003

15 Questions About Me

Doing this because 1. It looked fun 2. I don't feel like doing much else 3. because it looked fun, and I didn't feel like doing much else.

1) Where are you really from?
Born in Haiti Missouri, live in New Haven Missouri, lived in lots of other places in the past, mainly in Illinois, Missouri, and Nebraska.

2) What is your mission here on Earth?
As far as I know, I'm just another thread in the weaving of the Fates. Or in my case, another character in some crazed psycho girl's role play. Or maybe just another victim in the Sims?

3) If someone told you he was a super hero, and he had no evidence to back up his claim, would you believe him?
No, though I would most likely keep that to myself and feed them their own illusions by offering to be their sidekick.

4) Of all the people who have gone down in history for being crazy, who is your favorite?
Marilyn Manson. I wouldn't really call him crazy, but others do, and he's one of my favorite stars.

5) Who is your favorite monster?
That deranged, demented looking creature that I see when I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror.

6) Which is your favorite fairy tale?
Beauty and the Beast, or a more modern adaptation - Phantom of the Opera.

7) Sour apple or apple cinnamon?
apple cinnamon?

8) Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?
ALL chocolates!

9) Do you like Fanta (you'd better say yes...)
? The intended answer to this question is inconclusive, until the answer-er can understand what 'Fanta' is.

10) What's your favorite song interjection?
Song interjection? What's that? (I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have taken the quiz...)

11) If you had your own amusement park, what would it be called and what would it be like?
I would make mini themeparks all over the place, based on different movies, like Pirates of the Caribbean (yes, I know it's a Disney thing, but I can still imagine, dammit!) and Lord of the Rings. THAT would be my biggest park, is LOTR.

12) Make up a word right now and define it.
What? You mean I can't decide between 'uber' 'erf' and all those? Alright... One I've made up myself... How about - scrinch and that has two meanings... 1 - the movement that a worm makes. It scrinches along by shoving it's body together and then stretching out. 2 - when you paw at something like a cat, you're scrinching it, working it up into a bundle, and letting it go again.

13) What was the best era for sci-fi?
I like the Sci-Fi of the early 90's when all the computer special effects were just starting to become new to everyone, but I guess it's even better now, because there's so many great special effected movies. I can't wait for the Matrix, Reloaded. So many Agent Elronds... *drool*

14) Who writes the best parodies (song or otherwise)?
The Three Loonies (Jex, Dagrak, and Xenos) lol! Either them, or the Flight of the Conchords who basically take something like LOTR and make a song called Frodo Don't Wear the Ring.

15) If you were to be reincarnated as anything, animate, inanimate, existent or non-existent, what would it be?
I have so many choices. Mainly, I just want to live forever and never die, but if I HAD to choose... An Elf, or a pirate, or a goddess, or a vampire, or an amazon, or... someone with lots of adventure and uncanny abilities. I love things that are everything I'm not...

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