Thursday, July 21, 2011

Full-Time Mommy

At the moment, I work a full-time job. I'm a hotel receptionist, working on the midnight shifts. When school starts next month, I will be cutting down to just two nights a week. I can't see how it's fair to get my daughter out at almost 11:00 at night to take me to work, and getting her up at 5:30 in the mornings to pick me up. And Adam's job is more important than mine right now! Am I nervous that we'll be able to make it? Of course! But am I excited to be (pretty much) a stay-at-home mommy? Of course!

The only bad side of this is that I love money! The GOOD side is that I'll be home to take care of my daughter, and get stuff done around the house. It's been two years since we moved into our home, and in those two years, I never really got to put the house how I wanted it. Now I'll have time to sort through all the boxes, separate yardsale items from storage items, give everything a good scrubbing, and maybe even finally work on some of my crafts! It would totally rock my socks to finally have a booth some time at a craft fair, like I always wanted to do! Maybe get a bundle of stuff made up, and sell them on my online store? That would be cool :-D

I'm most excited about spending more time with my daughter, though. Instead of spending my evenings sleeping for work, I'll be able to be up with her, helping her with her homework, taking her out to play, or giving her a bath for school the next day. I also want to do something really fun every night, like have a game night, or a pretend night, a makeup night, a spa night, a movie night, a date night, whatever I can think of to make sure we get as many great memories in as possible, because these years are just flying by too fast! And a couple of years from now when she starts making more and more friends, she's going to want to have them over instead of doing stuff with me, so I better make the most of my time with her while I can. ♥

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