Saturday, November 16, 2013

Our Ultimate Goal

Eventually, one of these days, our family would like to be as self-sustaining as possible. Some of the things we would love to have are:

Well water - one, because there would be no water bill, and two, because well water tastes so much better than any city water. Personally, I can't drink city water, but well water tastes so good to me. You can really tell the difference. What would be even more amazing is mineral water, but that's for another story...

Solar power, wind power, or both - No electric bill! Not only that, but you give back to the electric company, and get something back in return. You're not using up resources, because as long as there is sun and wind, you would have power. I don't know why this isn't a global thing, and mandatory. Especially with rising gas prices and such. Windmills don't have to be huge, and solar panels aren't that hard to maintain.

A solar/battery operated car - I've heard that at this point in time, America has the lowest gas prices, but not for long. I've also heard that before the end of the year, we will be lucky if the gas doesn't go over $5, because of the oil spills, rising prices, and decreasing value of the dollar bill. However, solar and batter power would mean no gas to buy.

Fresh meat and produce - One of these days, we will own our own home, and instead of having a container garden, we'll finally have a big garden full of all sorts of vegetables, edible flowers, fruits, and herbs. We will also have animals to raise and get fresh products from. Goats for milk, chickens for eggs and meat, and a cow and pig for meat. If I ever get good at spinning wool, maybe I'd even get a sheep just for the fibers.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's so many more ideas in my head, and I'm learning new things every day. There's soooooo much I want to do! It's just a matter of being able to own our own home and land, and being able to have the money to set everything up. But one of these days... Everyone has their own dream that they want to live. One of these days I will be living MY dream.

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