Thursday, January 17, 2019

15 Questions About Me (2019 Update, 16 Years Later)

You can find the original post here, which I had answered these questions before, about 16 years ago:

1) Where are you really from?
Born in Haiti Missouri, currently live in Perryhell Misery. (jk, that's just what others call it. It's Perryville Missouri, and I personally like where I live) I've lived in some other places too, though, but only in Illinois, Missouri, and a short time in Nebraska.

2) What is your mission here on Earth?
I tend to think we're all just one happy accident, and we're just existing. But while I'm here, I might as well spread around some ideas, creativity, and some love, right?

3) If someone told you he was a super hero, and he had no evidence to back up his claim, would you believe him?
Me believing him or not is irrelevant. The question is - now that I know his secret, what do I get out of it? lol

4) Of all the people who have gone down in history for being crazy, who is your favorite?
So apparently I can't pick Harley and Joker since it appears it has to be a REAL person. I still want to say Marilyn Manson, but you know what? Crazy is in the eye of the beholder. He actually seems brilliant and clever to me. Does that mean knowledge makes him crazy? Then Stephen Hawking was a loon, too. Or is it the makeup? In that case, Jeffree Star is a psycho. So it's hard to call someone crazy when people think of crazy in different ways...

5) Who is your favorite monster?
It's always going to be the Phantom of the Opera... But ever since Monster High came out, I've been in love with all those freakishly adoraboo monsters! ♥

6) Which is your favorite fairy tale?
It's hard to pick just one. I found a love for Sleeping Beauty when my baby girl was born because that's what I used to call her. Could Harry Potter be considered a fairy tale? Or I might still have to go with the story of Phantom of the Opera... The idea of the passion and obsession still gets to me.

7) Sour apple or apple cinnamon?
I don't really like apple flavored things, but if I had to choose, I'll go with apple cinnamon.

8) Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate. White chocolate is okay, but I don't really care for dark chocolate any more.

9) Do you like Fanta (you'd better say yes...)
Yes? If I have to buy cheap, I'll go with Orange Fanta... But I much rather prefer Mt. Dew

10) What's your favorite song interjection?
I STILL don't know wtf a song interjection is...

11) If you had your own amusement park, what would it be called and what would it be like?
It would be called Multiverse and it would have all kinds of themes based on seasons and holidays, so like - there would be a ski area with an ice skating rink and stuff for winter, a Christmas town, a water slide park area for the summer, a haunted house, hayride, corn maze, etc for the fall, a field full of all kinds of different flowers and an Easter egg hunting kind of area for spring... and there would also be sections for different cultures and time periods, so here would be like a Hawaiian place, a Hindu place, an old Samurai kind of place, a French/colonial kind of place, a western cowboy place... There would be fireworks every night, parades on the weekends, rides, educational areas to learn about the different places and cultures, even a future place to learn about the stars, space, and beyond. It would be like Disneyworld, only NOT run by the illuminati  lol (that's a joke by the way, I don't know if they really are or not :-p haha)

12) Make up a word right now and define it.
Rabbitholeiosis - When you end up on the weird side of YouTube, or the internet. For example: You start of by looking for cute cat videos, and the next thing you know, you're watching videos of people made out of ice cream eating themselves by the spoonful. Or you go to look up information on the Revolutionary War and end up reading about the mating rituals of the Hamar tribe in Ethiopia...

13) What was the best era for sci-fi?
I still like the Sci-Fi of the early 90's when all the computer special effects were just starting to become new to everyone, but I like how pretty much ANYTHING is possible now. I remember when I was about 10 years old, dreaming of the day when they would make X-Men movies, and now there has been so many!

14) Who writes the best parodies (song or otherwise)?
I used to love Flight of the Conchords because of their 'Frodo Don't Wear the Ring' song, but I guess now days, I'm really into JT Machinima (aka JT Music), who does a lot of gaming parodies. I especially like his Five Nights at Freddy's songs!

15) If you were to be reincarnated as anything, animate, inanimate, existent or non-existent, what would it be?
I have so many choices, but I pretty much have to agree with what I said before. I just want to live forever and never die. Be young and beautiful forever... but if I HAD to choose... An Elf from Lord of the Rings, or a goddess, or a vampire, or someone with a long life and beauty. Lots of adventure and uncanny abilities. I love things that are everything I'm not. Sometimes I thought it would be cool to be my alter ego, the X-Men character I made called Tricity (named my daughter after her) but with the way I write for her, I'd never want to go through the things I have put her through! lol

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