Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My Thoughts on the Long Island Medium

First off, I will say that I am no skeptic when it comes to Theresa Caputo. I believe what she does is genuine and real, and I admire that she is so in tune with her empathy that she can do what she does. But I do have some questions and thoughts on it. I know these will probably never get answered, but I thought I'd put them out there any way, in case anyone ever wants to add to it, or discuss what they think might be the answers.

First of all, when I as little, I used to think there were no spirits around me because I hadn't had anyone die in my life that I was close to. Of course now that I'm older, that has changed. I've had close family, in-laws, and friends whom have passed, so I'm sure there's at least one of them hanging around. But these aren't just people that I was close to. They were close to others in the family as well, which brings up some questions.

Take my Grandma, for example. I think of her often, and Theresa says when we think of our loved ones, that is usually a way of knowing that they were still with us. But as often as I think of my Grandma, I know my Mom thinks of her more than that. And I'm sure there's others in the family who think of her pretty often as well, such as her other sons, and her other grandchildren, and my Grandpa. So my question is -  if we're all thinking about her, can she be with more than one person at once? And how? Can she just snap between people in an instant, or do spirits tend to get attached to certain people?

Or what about with my friend Kelly? He passed away when we were in our early 20's. He had a girlfriend and a baby boy, so I wonder why I often think about him. Does that mean his spirit is with me? Shouldn't he be with his son? Or his sister or mother? Someone who was closer to him? I barely knew him. I went to High School with him, and we only started keeping in touch through social media after school ended, but we were becoming good friends towards the end of his illness, and his death had a pretty big impact on me. But I feel like - what right do I have for him to hang around me when there are much more important people for him to be with?

And another thing I think about is - what if we had a parent pass away that we actually don't want around us? Do they hang around anyway, or do they respect our wishes and stay away? My "father" passed away in November, but was never close to me. My parents were divorced before I was a year old, and he decided to all someone else his baby girl, so I decided early on that I didn't want him to be a part of my life. And now that he's passed, I'd hope he would respect those wishes and stay away. If anything, I'd hope he feels the resentment, the hurt, the anger and bitterness that have become a part of me because of his choices. But other than that, I don't want him to be in my life, or my daughter's. He doesn't deserve that privilege, even in death.

To wrap up this discussion, I think it's amazing that spirits can have a consciousness without a brain to do the thinking. They can remember who they were, the people in their lives, and they have personalities and can feel things. But it makes me wonder why people who get amnesia or alzheimers become forgetful of who they are. If it's not a physical connection to the brain that makes us who we are, and indeed a spiritual one, then why do they forget? Is it because of a temporary block in their mind that will go away after they pass on? Or does this mean they are losing a part of their spirit? Just deep thoughts that go through my head when I watch her do what she does.

I also kind of wonder if someone can be trying so hard to get through to the other side that Theresa can feel it from so far away? Like - do any spirits ever actively seek her out to try and get a message across to their loved ones even though they aren't anywhere near her? Do they ever try to guide her to find them and get a hold of them? Or is it more like a proximity thing, where they have to be close for her to get a reading? I guess sometimes I just so desperately want to get a message from the other side that I wonder if any of my loved ones are trying just as hard to get one through to me.

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