Monday, January 14, 2019

Rumors (From the Future [Supposedly {Probably Not}])

So... I wouldn't say I'm a conspiracy theorist, because I'm really not. I don't believe a lot of the stuff I've learned, even if some of it I wish were true. However, I DO like to learn about people's ideas and what they think is really going on, or how they believe 'we are all being fooled'. And sometimes, as all people do, I just end up on the weird side of YouTube.

Recently, I've gotten into watching these videos about supposed time travelers from the very near future (from at LEAST the year 2030), and what they're saying is supposed to happen, as early as this year. I'm not going to name their names simply because that's what they want, is to be internet famous, but instead I'll talk about the ideas.

First of all, during this very month of January 2019, they claim that there will be a spike of UFO sightings. Well it's already the middle of the month, and I've yet to hear or see anything about this. Have you? But don't worry. If you see a UFO, these are supposedly supposed to be the same friendly aliens that are going to crash here in the year 2028 and unite us as a human race as we learn to live in peace with these otherworldly beings. If you're wondering what they'll look like, I'm pretty sure they kept saying the words "bold skin", with scales, looking somewhat like a humanoid seahorse. Furries everywhere will rejoice.

Then next month in February, they claim that the Midwest is going to get wiped out due to massive snow storms. *intently stares* Bitch please... I'm in the heartland of the Midwest. We've survived ICE storms on more than one occasion. You know what I'mma do if there EVER gets to be a storm that serious? I'm gonna pile up all the blankets like a nest, like mice do, grab my month's supply of canned goods, and I'm gonna stay burrowed until the next day, because that's how fast the weather changes up here in this bitch we call Missouri.

They also said in April of 2019, there's going to be made a "functioning robotic eye" that is going to allow blind people to see again, and then in June, a chip will be made that will allow paralyzed people to walk again. These things actually sound pretty amazing, and it's things like this that make me wish it were true.

Then apparently in November of 2020, Trump will be reelected as president. First of all, I'd have liked to have known WHY. Even people who voted for Trump the first time are regretting their decision LOL Gotta say I'd be pretty excited to have Martin Luther King’s granddaughter as president though, in 2028. Yolanda is just a child right now. That would only make her 20 years old, and the American Constitution states the country’s president must be at least 35 before moving into the oval office. However, the time travelers claim that the age of presidency will be lowered in the future, as well as the legal age to vote in order to give younger people more rights. Yolanda will apparently become the youngest person to become leader of the country – bettering Theodore Roosevelt by a massive 22-year age gap.

Also in 2028, time travel is expected to be announced to the public (and don't forget about those aliens! lol) They said it will be pretty expensive at first, but will eventually become affordable in the following years. Maybe we can finally save up to take a time travel vacation since apparently food will be free in the future as well. Either that, or maybe we'll save up for a trip to the dinosaur zoo, which is apparently also going to be a real thing. They said there is a time agency that keeps strict control over the whole time travel thing, but what I wonder is - if that were the case, how were they allowed to get sent back here and leak all of this information? No so strict after all, it seems.

Anyway, there were some more ideas they tossed around, but these are the main consistent ones they keep talking about. It would be pretty neat to have these things happen! They made the future sound pretty optimistic... until they started talking about the far future, in which robots start learning how to think for themselves and try to wipe out the human race. I'll admit, that part is pretty scary! LOL Will these things actually happen? Who knows... We'll see... but it's something to keep in mind. And partly why I wrote this blog entry, so I can look back in 10 years (if I'm still alive by then) and see if this stuff was all just conspiracy, or if it was actually real.

Anyway, what are your ideas on it all? Have you seen these interviews or heard about these rumors? I'm always open for discussion. Until then...

Only you can choose what you want to believe or not to believe.
Free Yourself.
L.I.V.E. L.I.F.E.

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