Friday, May 3, 2019

Is Robert Downy Jr. OK? (Dream)

So this dream started off with me getting to watch Avengers: Endgame, but instead of watching the movie, I was actually interacting with the movie, and it wasn't actually like the movie at all. But as dream logic will do, this is just the way it was. And I wasn't myself in this dream, I was my superhero version of myself, Tricity (whom I named my daughter after).

In this reality, I was in a relationship with Tony Stark, as we all know as Iron Man. I have no idea where Pepper was. He and her weren't together in this dream. She was gone a long time ago. We had a flirty hot thing going on. He was all snarky and sarcastic, and I was able to take what he had thrown at me and fire it right back, so just when he thought he would say something to take me off guard, I'd turn the table and sweep him off his feet. And that was our thing, and it was amazing. And because of that, I got to know him in a way no one else did.

Where we were different is that where he tended to keep things light and aloof, I was very deep and intense, and he loved that about me. I admired how easily he seemed to brush people off, but how he made sure to let me know I mattered, and he loved how I could be so interactive and involved with everyone, but tried not to be so clingy with him, even though he knew how I wanted to spend every moment with just him.

It was sometimes hard to do though, because he was Iron Man after all, and he was fighting this Infinity War, trying to save the world, and I was off doing my thing with the X-Men, because that's who I was, and it obviously doesn't seem like the X-Men were involved in his huge Marvel event :-p So while I was off doing things with my team, he was off doing things with his, and we would try to meet up when we could somewhere in the middle.

The most amazing part of my dream was being able to fly! It always takes me a few tries in my dream though. I guess because my dreams are like - hell yeah, let's fly! But my mind that is still attached to reality is like - whoa, wait a minute, you cant just do that. So I have to concentrate really hard and jump into the air a couple of times, and then bam! I'm flying :-D

There came a sad point in my dream, though. I don't exactly remember why, but we ended up deciding to take a break from each other. As terrible as it was - I just remember telling myself that this was the way it was mean to be, because that's how the movie was supposed to go. Maybe it was because we were both so busy all the time? Or maybe he didn't want me to end up getting hurt if something happened to him during this war? But I wanted to still be there for him, so while he was off doing his thing, I had kept tabs on him. Luckily I had a piece of one his shattered helmets that had enabled me to track his location. It was red and metallic and all scratched up, so there were shiny scratches of silver underneath that would sparkle when they would catch the light. When I'd get to missing him, I would sit there with this piece of helmet, and I would rock it back and forth in the dim light to see it shine.

There came a point when the X-Men got into a battle, and as it often happened to do, the X-Mansion was getting destroyed again. Walls were left half standing, half in rubble. Smoke and fire filled the scene. Things were looking pretty bad and Iron Man must have gotten word of it, because he ended up showing up. I was busy fighting, so I only knew he had come here since I could recognize his voice nearby. He was in the lab, which was half torn down, and I was standing on the other side of the wall.

I pressed myself flat against the bricks so that I could hear what he was saying. I could hear him asking about me. And by his choice of words, I could also tell that he missed me. The person he was speaking to told them that they didn't know where I was at the moment, but they would relay the message. Tony told them not to say anything though, and I knew he didn't want me to know he was trying to look out for me, so when they were done talking and I heard his footsteps coming towards my direction, I tried to fly away so he wouldn't know I was there.

It was hard to fly though. As I said, when I try to fly in my dreams, it takes a couple of attempts, but I managed to get high enough to float above the doorway, hoping he wouldn't see me. I remember him coming out the door and I was looking down on him, and then there was an explosion, but I'm not sure what happened after that, because I supposedly "woke up" in my dream.

I wasn't actually awake though, I was still dreaming, but the "real" me was instantly worried, thinking - is Robert Downy Jr. okay? Because now I had it in my head that what happened to us as superheroes was his last scene in the movie, and he hadn't been heard from since then. So I started searching google on my phone and on the computer, trying to see if he was alright. For some reason, dream me thought the explosion really happened and the people involved with the movie were trying to cover it up.

Eventually I woke up when I got frustrated enough with constantly looking on the search engines, and I knew it was all just a dream, and it was silly of me to think something happened to him when hes clearly been on social media posting about the new movie... But I still couldn't help but to double check, just to be sure  ;-)  lol

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