Monday, May 27, 2019

Linkin Park's Guest of Honor (Dream)

My dream started off in a school, but it wasn't like any school you would expect. It was a dreamer's school, meaning when you went to sleep and had dreams in real life about school, this was the school everyone went to when they dreamed. What if that were really a thing? How some people dream about being back at school, but it's actually a collaborative place where we all go to when we're dreaming about it? And the students you don't know are actually other people who are dreaming? Anyway...

My friend Rose was there, whom I hadn't seen since grade school, before I left in the 5th grade. She used to do this thing where she would bring some little toys from home and we could buy them for a quarter, fifty cents, a dollar... In my dream, she was doing the same thing, but I didn't have money with me.

All I can really remember about the school is that there was an assignment that had to be done, and the winner of the assignment would get to meet the bad at an upcoming concert. I never really did my homework, but I was really excited to do this assignment because I wanted to be the one who got picked. However, I had to go to the bathroom really bad but the bathroom was so dirty and disgusting. It took me a long time in the bathroom because I was trying to cover up the seat so I didn't get any of the nastiness on me, and then students kept coming in and out, making me nervous, and the door didn't have a lock on it, so I was trying to time it right so no one would be trying to open my door while I was going.

I took so long in the bathroom that by the time I was finished, the bell had already rang and class was over. I thought I had missed out on the assignment because the teacher wasn't able to give it to me, but when I saw Rose in the hallway, she said she had collected it for me and put it at the top of my locker. Now everyone was going to recess and lunch.

I guess some time had passed because as I was walking the hallways of the school, especially this long open hallway with big windows like we had between the middle school and elementary like we did when I went to Red Bud, the teacher had stopped me. She looked like this English teacher I had in 8th grade, which was at a completely different school in real life. I can't remember her name though... Anyway, she stopped me to tell me congratulations, that I had won. I would be the special guest of honor to attend the concert and meet the band afterwards.

So now it was suddenly the night of the concert, and it was dark out but the lights were shining so bright all around me. I remember trying to work my way through the crowd to the stage because I wanted to see who I would be meeting. I could hear U2 music. Usually that's who I would dream about if I were seeing a concert, because they were always my favorite band when I was growing up. I remember thinking to myself - hmm... I've met U2 before in my dreams, but it's okay. I don't mind hanging out with them again. It's been a while.

However, as I reached the stage, the announcer said it was now time for the contest winner to come up and meet the band. I got up on the stage, and then the announcer announced that it was Linkin Park that I was going to be hanging out with. The crowd went wild and they came out and began singing "Burn It Down". I just got to stand there, better than any front row seat, and watch them perform it.

After they did a few songs, which I didn't get to hear or watch in my dream because time passed, it was now time to hang out with the band and ride some rides. We went on one that was kind of like a haunted hay ride, only it was a roller coaster. I'm not sure how to explain it. Like - it was creepy and slow, but we were in a roller coaster on a track. Since I was the guest of honor, I got to sit in front, Chester was behind me and Mike was next to him, and then there were the other bandmates behind them, as well as some other girls they were hanging out with.

As we got to some scary parts of the ride, I could hear the girls scream and giggle. I was sitting sideways in my seat so I could still interact with Chester without him having to look at the back of my head the whole time. We started climbing up this very steep hill, and it seemed to be endless. The higher we got, the more anxious everyone in the cart was getting about the big drop ahead. Even the guys were getting a little nervous. I took Chester's hand, and held onto his index finger the way a child would with their parent.

That must have seemed like an intimate gesture to him, because while everyone else was distracted, he told me with much sincerity to be careful with what I do, because I didn't know depths of which his mind was capable of. Basically, he was trying to say - don't try to flirt or start getting intimate because he was desperate for someone to love him, but he had a lot of issues and inner demons, and he was trying to warn me of it because if I were to get involved with him, I'd have to get involved with his demons as well. I thought to myself - Dude... you killed yourself in real life, I'm pretty sure I know what kind of demons you're suffering from right now. And with that, I held his hand tighter to let him that I accepted whatever may happen, and I was here for him. I leaned in, gave him a kiss on the cheek, told him it would be okay, and then we reached the top of the roller coaster.

It teetered on the highest point for a moment and everyone went completely silent. It was at that moment that I felt arms reach around me from behind and that extra weight on my side of the roller coaster caused it to finally budge forward, and we descended into darkness down the very steep drop. Everything went black and that's all I could remember of the dream. All I know is that I was so happy because I knew he had hugged me and it made me feel warm and fuzzy. It's like - I knew he had issues, and I was willing to accept them, and because of that, he accepted me. Very sweet!

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