Friday, May 14, 2010

I Just Can't Make Cheese...

Well I had finally tracked down some rennet tablets at our local store, and it was cheap, too! (I had no idea what price to expect.) I couldn't wait to try making cheese again, and this time, I knew not to heat it so high.

Anyway, to make a long story short - the cheese sucked... I think I know what I did wrong... I didn't crush up the rennet well enough because I was going to grind it into a powder, but I accidentally added the wrong bowl to the milk and- plop! In went the rennet before it was ready... I also think I didn't add enough citric acid, and then I didn't let it sit long enough before I scooped out the curds... So instead of making mozzarella, I made ricotta. That's what I'm calling it from now on. Ricotta. It's pretty much made the same way, but it won't turn into mozz for me. For now, I'll just have to keep dreaming about it...

Speaking of dreaming, I had a dream afterwards, though, that we had goats and used them just for cheese and butter, and then we bought our milk at the store instead. I know you can drink goat's milk, but for some reason, we didn't do that in my dreams. I asked Adam his opinion on it, and he said he had no problem with goats, because they also take up less room, and because he knows how to raise them. Plus, I remember goat's milk tasting sweeter when I was a kid. Like me, I guess he really didn't have much knowledge on dairy cows. lol So now, maybe one of these days, we'll have chickens, goats, and rabbits. Maybe a cow and a pig every so often to slaughter.

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