Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where have I been?

It's been a while! But I'd never forget about you  ;-) My first priority today is to catch you all up and let you know where I've been, what I've been doing, and what's been going on. Most recently? I've been sick. We all have. I got it first, gave it to my daughter, and then to my husband. Of course being the first one sick, I got the worst of it, and theirs was less severe down the line... We're all getting better now though, so yay!

During this busy time, we had also sold our female ferret that we had gotten, whom just couldn't replace the role of our previous beloved family pet Phantom, so hopefully she's with a family who can better appreciate her. She just couldn't take his place, and therefore I couldn't stand having her... She bit me and Tricity all the time, and Adam didn't want to play with her, so we sold her and her cage to another family. I didn't think that neglecting her was a better option, obviously. Also, we'll be moving soon (hopefully) and didn't want to worry about the "no pets" rule that most places have. A ferret is pretty much in between a dog and a cat, so it was better this way...

We also got two new pets. These are smaller, and they stay in cages, so it doesn't really matter for them when it comes to the pet rule. We got a little finch. Adam wanted to name it Valkyrie, but I told him the finch is male (hence the orange cheeks), so we named him Horus instead. We DID have a teddy bear hamster that we named Fuzzbutt, but he only lived for a week and then died :-( He was probably already pretty old when we got him... I was sad... He was so soft and cuddly! Tricity was sad too, of course... What made me mad, though, was that we paid $16 for him! Maybe next time we'll just stick to the CHEAP hamsters again... lol At least our little dwarf hamsters lived a long time... (Do we have bad luck with pets, or what?)  O_o

We also got our income tax, which of course meant spending. We got Tricity a new PC since her laptop went all screwy, and we got a new desk for Adam, and he's giving his desk to Tric, but we're not putting it together until we move, whenever that'll be... I got a new vaccum cleaner, a new floor cleaner, and tons of Monster High clothes and accessories for Tricity! We paid our truck off, and got it a tune-up, so it should be good for a while (I hope). I splurged and got some satin sheets, some nail stuff I've been wanting to get, a sprouter to make healthy greens, and other little things here and there... It's been fun shopping! lol

Oh! We also got a Nintendo 3DS that is supposed to be for the whole family, but apparently I have taken over... I know- bad me, when I should be writing here or making videos for YouTube instead! But I can't help it... I'm so addicted to it's 3D magic, and playing Zelda's Ocerina of Time! It's so much fun and so magical, like peeking into a whole new world through this tiny little box... lol Tricity got a Monster High game to play on it, and Adam and Tric both have about 4 Scooby-Doo games to play. Let's just hope I get though my game soon, so they can finally have their turn with it? :-D Yes, I put that in the form of a question, because let's see if I ever get done... lol

I've also been busy going to school with my daughter every week. One day a week (when I'm not sick like this week, that is), I go to school and I'm a volunteer. It's been so much fun. I know all the kids in her class, and they call me Mrs. Craft, and I get to color things for the teacher to use in her lessons, and it's just been such a blast. I wish I had started going sooner, but I don't know... I guess I didn't have the nerve before? Now it would be weird if I didn't show up on my days :-D I LOVE it! It's totally what I was meant to do!

Other than all of this, I've been trying to pack and clean, and get things ready to move. We haven't found a house yet, but we're looking for a house with a basement, and preferably a place that will let me grow a small garden, maybe a flower bed, let us have a pool out back... Some place that wouldn't be too strict, but not too expensive, either. And not some place that is for sale, looking to bring customers by your house when your lease is up. One place would have been perfect, if it wasn't for that... We had to turn it down. I don't want strangers coming in and gawking at my things! Hopefully we'll find a place soon, though, so maybe I can start planting things for the garden? I just want to get out of this trailer! It was good for our first home, but it's time to take a step up on the ladder.

Well that pretty much sums it up. I've also been trying to get a YouTube career going, but we'll have to see how that turns out...

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