Saturday, September 9, 2017

When Love Goes Out the Window - Shut the Window!

This morning during one of my last couple of days here working at the hotel, I was putting out breakfast when a man came in wanting to get a cup of milk. He said he had an energy drink and couldn't sleep. Then he asked for something that I couldn't understand because of his accent, and he said "How do you say this?". Then he walked over to the yogurt and pointed. "Oh, yogurt!" I said, and he said "Do you not understand Mexican English?" and I laughed. I told him how I used to have a Mexican boyfriend when I was a teenager, but it's been a while.

He asked me why I didn't stay with him and I told him it was because we were teenagers, him living in California, and me living in Missouri, so it was a long distance relationship and things just didn't work out. Then he said I should find him and stick with him. I told him how I'm married now and have a family. He said "A white guy?" I said yes.

Then he asked how he treated me. I replied back with a slanted smile and said "Ehhh..." Then he proceeded to tell me that Mexican guys treat their women like a princess, they work hard to support them, and take care of their families. I told him how my husband works hard, but when money gets tight, we seem to argue a lot. He said that's true. When money gets tight, love seems to go out the window.

Then he said "And then do you know what you do?" I asked what, and he said "You shut the window." At that point, I didn't know if he meant you let love out and then you shut the window, as if you put a stop to the relationship so nether of you keep pretending that it's working out when it's really not, so that you don't both end up a miserable mess. But then he said you put on a smile, cook him a nice dinner, and pamper him, because men are like babies. I laughed pretty hard at that.

I realized at this point that it wasn't an either/or decision. I didn't have to keep being miserable if I wasn't in a happy loving relationship. But I didn't have to put a stop to it and quit the relationship either. There's always a way around things. If we're not happy, we can choose to BE happy. You just have to want it and make it happen. The world is what you make of it. If you perceive it to be a bad world, then that's how it's going to be to you. It's called the law of attraction.  You get what you put out.

If I want to make this marriage a happy one, I'm going to have to push aside the bad attitude and just make him happy. And I have to BE happy. If I'm in a bad mood because of his bad mood, then both of us are going to be in bad moods together and it'll only make it worse. But if he gives me attitude and I give him  kindness and understanding in return? Maybe, just maybe he'll calm down and things will be better.

I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe I met this man today, on my last weekend here, to teach me this lesson. What do you guys think? I've heard of women saying if you want your hubby to do something, you gotta put a little honey on the biscuits. Has it worked for you, or have you been burned by that advice? Either way, it fits in with what I've been saying. Only you can free yourself. Only you can make yourself happy. L.I.V.E. L.I.F.E ♥

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