Monday, January 18, 2021

City-Sized Walmart! (Dream)

This dream started off with the news that Mr. Beast (the famous YouTuber) was going to be at Walmart doing a Q and A and signing autographs and stuff for everybody. I'm not really a fanatic about Mr. Beast, but I think he's a pretty cool guy, and I love how he helps people out all the time, so I wanted to go see him and help support him. I went to Walmart on a bike because I can't drive, and when I was there, I saw my best friend Tahnee's Mom. She said she was going to buy us a bunch of stuff to take back home, so I hung out with her for a while, but I really wanted to get to see Mr. Beast before he was done for the day, so I headed to the area where he was supposed to be.

However, this store was bigger than I had thought, and unrealistically so! Instead of just being a store, it turned into a whole town! There were houses and sidewalks and streets, but all still under the store's ceiling and back walls. There wasn't a sky because we were still inside. Everything was still white and blue colored, like Walmart's logo.

I never did make it to see Mr. Beast. Instead, I had stopped to try and get a car to take, because if it was this huge and he was that far away, I was going to drive instead of walking, even though I didn't have a driver's license. But I did pretty good! Once I got behind the wheel, it was as if I had been driving for a long time!

Along the way, I saw someone walking along the sidewalk, so I slowed down to ask if they were headed the same way, and if they wanted a ride. To my surprise, it was my best friend Tahnee! She was alive again! But how? I didn't really get to ask these questions in my dream. I had just accepted it and was happy to be cruising with her. I don't really remember what happened after this before I woke up. I just remember basking in the moment and enjoying the fact that I had my best friend hanging out with me again. When I woke up, it was almost 4:00 AM and I could hear Adam leaving for dialysis on my GPS tracker. Then I was up for the rest of the day.

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