Friday, January 1, 2021

Guys Really Be Thinking They Slick

Some girl's post showed up on my Twitter feed today. Someone I don't even know, but she is a gamer or something, idk. But because she's popular, she has fans, and with fans also come the trolls and obsessive simp boys.

When someone is obsessed, they will often try to get their target's attention by gaslighting, or giving a backhanded compliment. This is where they offer a compliment and follow it up by an insult. I forgot what he said, and the post has been deleted since then, but it was something along the lines of "You're so pretty, but too bad you suck at gaming" What they are expecting is for the target to take the bait and give them attention. Really guys? You think we don't know what you're up to? Do you really think she's that dumb? You're not that slick, boy.

I can't STAND when people do that! It's one of my pet peeves. It's like if someone were to tell me, "You're a good Mom but too bad you aren't more organized". Or how about "You're so creative but you can't really draw that well." (not me though lol) "You're a good cook, but I always have to add salt to your food." (not me either! lol I think I actually use too much salt!) There's always a "but" with these. If you're going to compliment someone and feel the need to add a "but" to the end of that compliment, then you just need to "butt" out and not say anything at all. Just leave it as a compliment. You really think that girl's going to be interested in you for insulting her? Maybe a girl who is desperate for attention, and who wants someone like that?

And it isn't just always guys doing this to girls. Girls just tend to be more vulnerable to it because a lonely girl looking for attention will usually take the bait, even if it's bad attention... So I'm addressing you all when I say - Kids: Learn to recognize this kind of toxic behavior and don't take it from anybody when they try to use it as a weapon against you. Don't get caught in their trap. You deserve to be treated better than that. And it's not just obsessive fans who will try to reach out and snare you. It can be your parents, people you think are your friends, anybody. If someone tries to get your interest by complimenting and then insulting you, what's going to stop them from insulting you when times get rough? When they REALLY mean it... If that jealous friend plays down something you are good at by following their compliment up with an insult, what makes you think they're going to be happy for you when you become even more successful and not them? If your parents can't give you a compliment without constantly nagging, then can they really expect you to want them around when you're older?

Anyway, that's my rant. Her user profile is now deleted since I had seen the post she shared, so I hope she's okay. Hopefully she just blocked and ignored the person, but as trolls will do, I'm sure he became bitter that she didn't give in, and he probably started harassing her. If so, it's sad that she had to close out her account just to avoid him. He obviously would have bullied her into doing that, but you should never allow someone to pressure you into feeling like you have to do something on their behalf... RedCanary16, if you're reading this, I hope you're okay <3

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