Tuesday, January 5, 2021

How We All Relate - Deep Thinking

"A completely different version of you exists in the minds of everyone you meet." That's something deep to think about. While I know this is basically saying that people will form their own opinions about you and assume they know you, that's just THEIR version of who you are and not who you really feel you are, it got me thinking about something a little bit same, but a little bit different.

It got me thinking about how we are all alternate reality versions of ourselves. Somewhere down the line, we all began as one singular being. Then came all of the "what if's". What if I had been born a boy? What if I had been born to a Mexican family? What if I had been born with blonde hair? What if my nose was bigger? What if I was taller? What if I had been born 10 years later? All of these what-if's create innumerable possibilities, and unfathomable alternate realities.

So wouldn't it stand to reason that maybe we are all just alternate reality versions of ourselves living together in this world? What if throughout all time, all of history and past the future... what if we were all just combinations of different ways that we could have existed? And that's why we're all human, and we can relate on that basic level, but yet we're all different. Is this what it is like to feel the connection of humanity? Feel free to share your thoughts with me <3

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