Sunday, January 2, 2022

My Cat Kisses Me!

Today, I FINALLY got to sleep in! Couldn't sleep too long though, just until noon because for one, I feel like I'm wasting the day away if I don't get up and do something productive, and two, because after so much sleep, my back starts hurting. At one point though, I remember either Tricity or Khloe telling me that it was snowing lightly, but that it wasn't sticking.

When I finally got out of bed, I did some laundry. Laundry hadn't really been done much since Christmas Eve, and the kids were about out of clothes. They're going to need everything washed for school Tuesday! I'm really going to miss them when they go back. Most parents act like they can't wait to get rid of their kids and to send them back to school, but for me, I've always been the type of parent who hopes for a snow day just so they can get one more day with me at home. Speaking of how cold it's getting outside - I tell you what! Nothing beats a freezing cold drink that has been sitting out in super low temps. It wasn't slushy, but it was right at that point, just the way I like it!

I sat around for a bit playing my game (a game called Ever Merge that I am unfortunately addicted to, even though I can't earn any money playing it any more because I played it for the maximum payable time), but then Tiger decided to love on me. Tiger is Khloe's cat, but she's in heat, and when she's in heat, she is such a sweetheart. We call her "Big Honey" because she's the biggest female cat we have and she's sweet. Here she was nuzzling me, smashing her head to mine. Here's another picture of her with Tricity yesterday. You can tell she's a fat and sassy cat  X-D

Then I decided to move over to my computer to start writing my blogs for the first day of January since I want to try and write one every day (or just about every day) this year. Tricity had just taken Annie out to go potty, and when she came back in, Annie was looking so cute that I had to get a picture of her with Tric. 

While I was writing, Tricity came in and showed me her thing she painted that my brother got her for Christmas. It's a laptop pillow with the table on top of it, so she can use her laptop anywhere without it burning up underneath. It was just black and white with gold on it, but it came with markers to color it in with. Instead of using those markers though, she used her new Posca pens (expensive paint pens) that we got her for Christmas. That's what she and Khloe both really wanted, so I got them each a set.

Before I knew it, it was closer to 4:30, which is about the time I always go out to the quail coop and check them. To my surprise, the coop was frozen shut today! Also, the lightbulb was blown out from all the rain. I'm going to have to find a way to keep the water out, or maybe put shingles on top of the wood. Thankfully, I read that quail can survive negative temperatures. Despite being icy cold out, they still had 3 eggs waiting on me! I unclogged their feeders and brought in the waterers to melt the ice in them before filling them back up, and when I took them back out, there was one more egg! So that was 4 eggs altogether today. Carrying them back home felt like I was carrying icecubes. It's a good thing we're not relying on them for an incubator!

I worked on my blogs some more, trying to recall everything that happened today, and I also used my memories from Facebook and Timehop to create blogs for older things that happened on these days that I didn't make journal entries for in the past. Alongside writing a blog for every day of this year, I also want to write blogs for any journal entries or memories I had from previous years that I had never documented on my blog before. I know it sounds like a lot, and it can be a big undertaking and get overwhelming, but I really want to write everything down because some day, I won't be here, and this will be like my legacy or something.

Adam made sloppy joes for dinner. I was lucky to eat all of mine. I only had one piece of bread on the bottom, as I cannot eat a whole sandwich since my surgery. Usually if Tricity asks to make me a grilled cheese any more, I can only eat half of one and have to give her the other half. To be honest, I feel like I shouldn't have had any bread at all. I should just focus on the protein. I know I'm not getting my 90 grams a day like I'm supposed to. I see the surgeon on Tuesday (the 4th), and I'm quite nervous about it all...

Tricity has been doing so good with taking Annie out to go potty! Annie had an accident here and there within the first 3 days, but since then, she has been doing an amazing job! I know it's not really Annie who is doing the good job, it's Tricity, because if it weren't for her taking her out when we tell her to, and doing her part to help train her, Annie wouldn't be doing as great as she is. It won't be long when we can let her out for a while by herself. For now, she takes her out and trains her by saying "Annie, gotta go potty?" And then when it's time to come back in, she says "Let's go in!". When I went out with her tonight (because someone has to hold the flashlight), she went pee twice, went poop, and then already knew to head back to the door. It was so cute! I'm so proud of them both!

I have to use a flashlight outside because for some reason, the porch light is acting wonky. I JUST changed it the other night on New Year's Eve, and it has already gone out. What the heck??? I think maybe because it needs a dimmable bulb, and the one I put in is one of those "daytime" lights that's supposed to mimic natural sunlight, but it doesn't dim, so maybe that's why it went out? It took me forever just to change it out, though. That's what I hate. Now how long will it be before I get to changing it again? lol

Since my stomach empties out faster because it's smaller how, I was hungry as it got later into the night. I decided to finish my hotwings from yesterday. Usually at this time of night, Tricity and I would watch South Park together since she's trying to watch all of the seasons, and I hadn't ever sat through them all in succession before. However, she wanted to get up early to go with Adam to dialysis today so she went to bed early. Since it was just me all alone tonight, I watched the New Year's special of Doctor Who (Eve of the Daleks), and then Sister Wives (S16 E07 - Choosing Kids Over Kody).

I pretty much spent the whole time cuddling with Kuma. I always love cuddling with her. I give her kisses all the time, and scratch her in all her favorite spots. We head bump each other a lot and nuzzle one another. Sometimes she just doesn't feel like being touched though and will keep to herself off in a corner. Not lately though! I don't know why she has been so attached to me the past few days, but I'm taking it all in. I swear, when she's in a loving mood like this, it sounds like she's trying to imitate my kissing sounds! She will nuzzle me and smack her lips, and it sounds like she's trying to give me a kiss! Every time I nuzzle her and headbutt her, I kiss her, and when she nuzzles me back, I swear it sounds like she's imitating what she hears, and makes kissing sounds by smacking. It's the most ADORABLE thing!

Anyway, once my shows were over, I went to bed. The last thing I could think of was about how with me being blonde now, and having been brunette before that (my natural color is brown) - the reason why I haven't changed my Minecraft skin or logo or anything to match is because eventually I want to go back to red. Eventually... I think the plan is to stay blonde for a while, then eventually do the whole "oil slick" black rainbow thing, and then go to red.

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