Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Low Immunities

Yep... I'm getting a cold. I hate when I can feel sickness coming on, but I can't do anything to stop it. But I can tell because of two main reasons, and those reasons are due to this:

One, because of the obvious, that my immunities are low from having shingles and taking the Valtrex, so I'm likely to catch a disease much faster than usual.

And two, because it's almost time to visit 'Aunt Flo' (too much information? lol) and it's said that women are more likely to be susceptible to sickness just before that time.

But at least I get a surprise package from my bestest friend today. AND... I get my laptop *glee!* I may feel like a pile of poo right now, but at least I'm a happy pile of poo :-D

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