Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homemade Laundry Detergent and Baby Wipes

Okay... so now I'm looking up more stuff on youtube (man, I sure do love that place!) and I came up with even MORE ideas for our home...

Homemade laundry detergent!

I haven't tried this out yet, so don't take my word for it, but here's what it says to do:

Take a bar of soap and grate it into shavings or powder
(I'd use a bar of Dove soap because I love the way it smells!)
Mix it into a big pot of boiling water.
Be careful because it bubbles up, so add a little bit at a time.
This will also help keep big soap clots from forming...
In a 5 gallon bucket, add 3 gallons of water
Mix in your dissolved soap water
Add 1 cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
and 1/2 cup of Borax
Stir well, making sure to break up any chunks
Let stand overnight.
When you check on it the next day, it should be kind of lumpy or like jello.
Add a cap full (or more, depending on your desire) of Downy liquid fabric softener
Stir, stir, stir
Either leave in the bucket and mix it up each time before use, or pour it into individual bottles and shake it each time before use.

It says it only uses about half a cap full for each load, but if you are like me, you'll probably use more than that each time, which is why you may have wanted to look up this recipe in the first place! lol

And then I found a homemade thing for baby wipes!
You take some paper towels, cut them in half, and place them all in a stack.
In a bowl or something... pitcher, whatever... mix:
2 cups of olive oil
1 cup of baby oil
1 cup of mild baby wash
Stir, and pour this mixture over the stack of paper towels
put them into a container or ziplock bag, and use :-)

I wish I had found this one when my daughter was still a baby, but oh well... I'm sure they can find some use in the bathroom :-D

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