Monday, October 11, 2010

I Got a Breadmaker

I got a breadmaker! Instead of paying $40 at walmart, I went to the thrift store and got one for only $4! And as far as I know, it works! I'm so excited. I haven't tried making a loaf of bread yet, but I will try it out tomorrow. That would be awesome to make my own fresh bread, and try out different kinds, and know what's being put into my bread. We also got groceries, and I picked up some cream so I can make homemade butter, too. Mmm... I can't wait! Homemade bread and butter... *drool*

I guess the older I get, the more concerned I am with what I'm putting into my body. If only I could give up Mt. Dew! I don't like the idea of drinking vegetable oil... Anyway, not only that, but homemade stuff just tastes better and has more love put into it, I think. Or at least that's the way I feel. I REALLY can't wait to have my own chickens one of these days!

I've also ordered the supplies so that I can try and make my own wine. Adam let me order a hydrometer, champagne yeast (because I want to try and make sparkling wine), and air stops, because I really don't want to use a balloon or condom to let the co2 out while keeping air from getting in... I don't want there to be a rubber taste from a balloon, and the idea of using a condom for making wine is just disgusting...

Anyway, I'll keep you updated on how it goes!


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