Saturday, March 8, 2003

No Rest for the Wicked

I feel dead... I'm so exhausted... I feel like I haven't slept decently in years... I don't know why, but I just don't seem to be getting any rest when I sleep. I am without rest. I am restless!

To whatever powers that be, please let this next week go well. Please let there be no more depression, good sales at work, no cranky spying customers who just want to get me into trouble because they have nothing better to do with their sorry lives, and no hard and strenuous work...

Please let me have a night where there's no phone ringing, no banging on the walls, no one to wake me, no bad dreams that make me wake up crying, no backache from sleeping too long, no punching or scratching myself in my sleep (it has been known to happen), no full bladder that gets gets mad and wakes me because it hasn't been emptied, and lastly, please, PLEASE let me have sweet dreams full of Figwit.

I just want to rest. Please... Sweet, peaceful, rejuvenating rest...

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