Tuesday, March 4, 2003

When Dreams Begin to Fade

I bought the Jekyll and Hyde DVD yesterday. (The one with David Hasselhoff.)

I like the original cast recording better, but at least with the DVD, I can see how the scenes are played out. As for the music quality? Ugh... *cringes* You have one woman who sings through her nose, and the other doesn't know that you're NOT supposed to overly pronounce the "r" in your singing.
Example: Beautiful Lucy character on the CD says: "I feel your fingers cold on my shoulder."
Stupid Lucy character on DVD says: "I feel youRRR fingeRRRs cold on my shouldeRRR."
It sounds harsh, but it honestly makes me want to barf.

Yes, I can admit that I truly believe I sing better than this woman. It boosted my ego to know that maybe I'd have a smidgen of a chance after all to one day be a Broadway star... So tonight at work, I was singing some of the songs from the musical, since I would LOVE to play Lucy's part the way it was meant to be played. Of course, I can't see when people are close to the kitchen, so a few people heard me and complimented me. Even more of an ego booster, right?

They asked if I do it for a profession, and why haven't I gone to college with it. I tell them the story about not having dropped out of school and not having a GED and all that... But I've always, ALWAYS wanted to be famous, especially on Broadway. (And by saying Broadway, I don't just mean that place specifically, I mean anywhere with a stage, a performance, and a live audience to act and sing for. It could be a small town concert for all I care, as long as I could live my dream of performing for everybody.)

Anyway., for some reason, this all makes me very sad. I guess I just fear that my dreams and hopes will never become a reality. Maybe I'm just worried about time... I have to get my license (I only have a permit so far) and then my GED, and even then, I have my job to think about. It's an excellent job... I don't want to lose it... I guess I just fear that I'll wait too long, and then when I finally have the chance, I'll be past my prime, or I won't be able to sing the same anymore. Maybe it's just not my fate...

Still, I would like to get a new microphone for my computer and work on my music. I just wish I had some time alone, or at least a soundproof room to work in. I feel like I'll never get any kind of demo CD made living in this situation with people living on either side of me, and there's not much I can do to change it at the moment. Ah, well... If it's meant to be, it'll be. If not, well then I can't say I didn't expect it to happen... :-/

current mood:  crushed

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