Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's a job...

Not sure what I think of this job yet. It seems easy as far as operations go, but I'm just sooooo sore right now, and I get really, really tired. I'm assuming it's because I'm pregnant so it's to be expected, but I feel drained, and It's only my second night here. It's also a factory job, so I know it's not meant to be physically easy.

I learned how to run the rest of the machines, but they seem like they don't really want to spend much time training me. I hardly think one day of training is enough, but I'm new so I'm in no place to tell them how to do their jobs, you know? Or maybe they don't want me to get good at it and get hired on because then they'll feel like their jobs are in jeopardy? Who knows... All I know is I'm getting paid for being here, and that's what's important right now.

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