Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Swingset and the Flower Bed

It's officially spring, and the weather is better than anyone could ask for. When it's not raining, we've been going outside to play. Thank goodness we spent some income tax money on things for outside! Adam and his father have been working on the new swingset, and they are nearly done with it. I think all that's left is the slide, the canopy, and the wood around the bottom playhouse area.

Tricity just LOVES it. Especially the tower, and the glider. She's still iffy about the swings and the monkey bars, though. She was used to the baby swing on her old swingset, and we don't have it anymore, because she's old enough now to learn how to use the big swing. We took the old swingset to my mom's house because my brother and his family live there, and they have three kids of their own who could use it. I think this new swingset was well worth what we paid, though. When it's done, our landlord asked us to put mulch underneath it.

We also have a sandbox to clean out and refill. The old sand has gotten pretty dirty with bits of leaves and sticks, and we never really did like the blue sand that stains your skin... It was a cool idea at first, but when we realized we ended up looking like smurfs after playing with Tricity in her sandbox, then we realized we should have went with the brown sand after all... When we get the sandbox cleaned out, and the mulch put down, I'll take a new picture to show everyone.

Something else we had gotten for income tax was a bouncy house for Tric. It was either that, or a trampoline, and we figured- she's still too little for something that dangerous, and the the bouncy house can be taken anywhere. Plus, it was cheaper. lol It's so easy to set up and take down that we can't wait to use it for her birthday party!

The other day, Adam and Tricity played for a while outside while I dug up some dirt at the front of our trailer beneath our kitchen windows, and planted some flowers. I hope they grow! I've had bad experiences with growing flowers in the past. I can't ever seem to grow anything on my own... but maybe this time I did it right? *crosses fingers* We've lived in our trailer for nearly a year now. I didn't put any flowers up last year because it was too late in the season for my taste, so I waited until this year. I put up some little fencing to boarder it so the mowing man won't chop them down like he did the irises that were on the side of the trailer when we moved in last year... I took a picture of it to show the 'before' picture, and when/if the flowers grow, I'll take another to show how pretty it is. (or at least how pretty it can be with a mobile home... lol)

While I was working on sifting the rocks out of the dirt (because there were a LOT of rocks) Adam decided to go visit his dad, and he took Tricity with him. When I got done, I called him to come back home so Tricity could help me plant the bulbs for the flowers. While I waited for them to get there, I decided to look for four leaf clovers, and pretty much as soon as I looked down, right there next to me, I found a little one! Here's my dirty hand and the clover I found.

That has only happened to me once before. One time, I was zoning out while my brother was barbecuing. He asked me "What are you looking at?" and when I realized I was staring at the ground, I happened to be staring right at a four leaf clover, and that's what I told him. "A four leaf clover!" He didn't believe me, so I bent over and picked it. I think when things like that happen to you, then you know your life is on the right track :-)

Anyway, I think that's enough blogging for today. There's so much to talk about, and every day is a chance to say what I want to say, so why do it all at once? :-D

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