Saturday, February 23, 2019

I'm the Short One

Oh wow… We noticed today that Tricity is as tall as I am now! For a while she WAS an inch or two shorter, but I guess she had another growth spurt. Or did I get shorter? LOL She's only 12, so I can imagine that she's not finished growing yet, and if she gets any taller, I will officially be the short one!

I can't wrap my head around how fast the time has gone by and how much she has grown. She still feels like my baby girl to me. She'll always be my baby girl. But now my baby girl is getting to be taller than I am! I guess it feels so weird to me because I was as tall as my Mom, or at least an inch shorter, I believe. So I figured Tricity would be the same. Either as tall as me, or an inch shorter. If we would have had any boys, I would have expected them to be taller, but with a girl, I just thought differently.

She's not taller than me just yet though! But I wouldn't be surprised. My niece Jolie, whom is 16 now, is taller than I am. I don't remember what age I was by the time I quit getting any taller. However, I do remember being a tiny kindergartner, and then about the time I was in 5th grade, we would see the new kindergartners walking around school and they looked so strange to me because they were so small, and all the kindergarten chairs looked like baby chairs. My perception had changed and it felt so strange.

Her feet are even almost as big as ours, and sometimes I'll hold my hand up to hers just to see if her hands are getting as big as well. Sometimes I'll look at her sleeping and I can't believe how grown up she is looking. Or I remember when she would give us hugs and I was surprised when her feet could still touch the ground. I can't believe how much my baby has grown. It's like my mind can't perceive this. So even though she's becoming a teenager and young woman, my mind still perceives her as that little 5 year old climbing into bed with me for me to sing her to sleep.

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