Saturday, February 9, 2019

The World Doesn't Like Americans (Dream)

This was a short dream, from what I can remember, but it was pretty scary. I had a dream that me, Adam, and Tricity went on vacation with his best friend Buddy and his family. We went to some popular tropical place like Cancun or something. I don't remember exactly where. That's not really the point.

Anyway, you can imagine, with us all being kind of redneck in our ways, a whole group of us stood out like a sore thumb. I noticed we were getting some stares but I wasn't going to let that dampen our vacation. We had never been to a place like that before, so it was pretty amazing, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

We had gotten settled into our rooms, and decided to go out for dinner, or go down to the beach, or something that required us all meeting up as a group and getting away from the hotel room. I'm not sure what it was, but I DO remember that I had to run back up to the room really quick to grab something. I think I wanted to bring my laptop? But I had forgotten it upstairs, so I went back up to get it.

When I got into the room, I found Buddy slumped against the wall. I could tell he was injured, and his hand was clutching his chest. I asked what was wrong, and when he moved his hand away, I could see a huge gash on his chest and you could see the meat and bone on the inside. I screamed for help. He said a bunch of local guys came into the room and started beating him up.

It didn't take much to know that this was a hate crime because we were Americans. It sucks because if I could live anywhere else, I would. But who really has that kind of money to just pack up and move? And having friends across seas, even I have experienced a bit of a ribbing before for being an American, and you hear about these kinds of things happening all the time. It was a scary dream, but I'm glad it was only that...

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