Saturday, February 23, 2019

It's Actually Really Big

So I couldn't sleep, and I was laying here thinking about doing the Ancestry DNA test tomorrow for Tricity. The plan is to get some of her saliva collected right as she wakes up in the morning because for some reason, I think that might be when it's most potent. Whether that is true or not, I have no idea, but then Adam will take it with him to work and mail it off when he goes on break.

But I keep thinking about how I'm pretty sure she’s the first one in the family to have her DNA tested.  I don't think any of my cousins, uncles, aunts, or anyone has had it done yet. And here she is, this 12 year old, being the first one in the family to have it done.

It’s amazing how far along science has come and it feels pretty special. Then the part of me that gets carried away thinks - what if in 100 years, they need to use people's DNA codes for something like making new humans, and then there's Tricity clones walking around? That would be pretty awesome. I know it's crazy, but sometimes my mind gets creative.

Either way you spin it, her DNA is going to be decoded. That's a pretty big thing! And then me, Adam, and hopefully my Mom and brother will all be next, so this little cluster of our family will all have our DNA on file. It'll be neat to see the differences between everyone. Obviously my brother is going to have something different than me because his skin tans very easily so he's pretty dark, and I burn pretty easily, so I'm really pale.

It just blows my mind though, thinking about how my own child is the first among us to take this step. To me, it's about as exciting as taking the first step on the moon. It's a first step on an amazing journey for both the generations that came before us, and those whom will come after. Her grandchildren will know what she is, what we are, and the generations to follow. It's like she's a landmark for the family tree because she has been fully documented. If nothing else in life, I was at least able to leave this legacy for her.

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