Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Seeings Signs of Her Everywhere

I know I'm bound to see signs of Tahnee everywhere since we were so close. There's not much we didn't share or have in common, so I'm going to notice a lot of things that remind me of her. Every time I see a star, or hear her favorite songs or watch her favorite movies, when I say something she used to say all the time like "herro" instead of "hello", or when the color purple stands out to me... She's everywhere.

But then there's this. This gave me the chills. I opened up a fortune cookie today that was left over from the Chinese delivery we had ordered to our room during our stay at the hotel over this past weekened of her memorial service, and this is the message I got:

It says "Soon someone new coming into your life will be a best friend." I just lost my best friend, and then I get a fortune cookie with that message? It's like she's trying to fill the gap and help me feel better. Or else she just wants to freak me out. But if that's not a sign, I don't know what is! lol

Sometimes I feel like I can hear her reply to something I'll say or do in my mind. I don't literally hear her, but I can just imagine her voice and what she would say, and how she would say it. Or I'll hear her laugh, or do what I called the "guinea pig" sound when she used to get tired. I was just so used to hearing her all the time that I have her voice imprinted on my mind...

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