Friday, March 8, 2019

What Happened to the 2019 Eclipse?

Everyone was all hyped up about the eclipse in 2017. What, no hype for the eclipse this year??? But wait, now I can't even seem to be able to find it!   O_o

Our town was all in a buzz about the total solar eclipse on August 21 2017. We had a Solarfest and everything! There were carnival rides, the kids were let out of school, there was a parade, a craft fair, lots of events were going on all over town... We even went to some of them. I mean, it was a huge deal! And after it ended, there was much talk and excitement for the second eclipse coming two years later in 2019.

Well now 2019 is here, and I've been trying to find out information about it, because it's already March, and no one has made a peep about it at all. So I decided to try and look it up online, but it seems to have mysteriously vanished! I can find information about a solar eclipse for 2019, but it's nowhere near our area. It's actually in South America:

And when I look at the list of eclipses in my area of the world, it only lists 2017, with nothing for 2019, with the next eclipse not happening until 2054! I'll be 62, if I'm even still alive by then!

I'm so conflicted... If the eclipse wasn't going to happen in our area, why were they getting hyped up for it? I was genuinely looking forward to this. Did they not realize it wasn't going to cross over us at the time? So I guess now I know why everyone has been so quiet about it. #Disappointed  :-p

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