Friday, March 1, 2019

I Pierced My Nose (Again)

So when I was about 19, I was going through a goth phase and my best friend Tahnee spent the night with me as I decided to pierce my own nose. I used one of these disposable u-shaped ear piercers that were mean to be for your ears, but I used it on my nose.

I numbed it up with Orajel and ice, and then did it. You can almost see it in this picture on the left side that she took of me when I was in class and bending backwards at my desk to look at her.

The problem I had though, was using a earring for a nose ring. I was always catching it on things, the earring back piece was always so bulky in my nose, I was having to clean it constantly, and when I was sick, it was a hassle to try and blow my nose with it in. Eventually it closed up because my job wouldn't let me wear it and I didn't have any clear retainers to wear in it's place. Many moons have passed since then.

Now about 15 years later, I have discovered this app called Wish, and they showed some disposable ear piercing kits. My gears started rolling and I was feeling nostalgic, and decided to look for one that can do nose piercings. This time I was going to do it right! So then to my surprise, I actually found one.

So I decided to use the numbing cream I had bought for my tattoo kit and I left it on my nose for about an hour. My nose was so numb that I couldn't feel it after I cleaned the cream off. It was so weird... and it took a couple of hours to fully get the feeling back in my nose, but I'm so glad I used it because over the years, I have become a sissy when having to deal with pain, so it was nice to barely have to feel anything! My only worry was that it wasn't hypoallergenic, but I haven't been itchy and it doesn't seem to be infected, so that's great!

I tried to do it in the same spot where my old one was, but I guess because of my nerves, it didn't place exactly where I wanted it... But it still looks pretty nice! Here is the first photo I took the next day after doing it:

I was actually just trying to sneak a photo of Tricity, but when I looked at the photo, I realized it was the first picture with my new piercing. I wonder if she truly understands just how much I love her?

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