Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dream: Yellow and Pink Spiky Hair

This dream happened early this morning... For some reason, I wanted my mom to cut my hair short. SUPER short... Like P!nk short. (I was skinny in my dream, too, which usually means I'm gaining weight in the real world, since my dreams are usually the opposite of what's going on.)

So here I was, with this super spiked haircut, and I decided that I wanted to bleach it blond, like P!nk. I mixed up the blue bleaching kit, and it was thick like jello. I start slathering it all over my head, and I can suddenly see my hair changing right before my eyes. It was SUPPOSED to turn into a whitish-blond, but since I always dye my hair red, it was more of an orange sherbet color.

I washed it clean and made up another batch. I thought - if I put ANOTHER bleach on it, then it would surely become white this time. I remember I kept getting interrupted by people here and there, but most of my dream was spent spreading on this bleach, which seemed to take FOREVER! I tried to concentrate on my hairline in the front and back, so that my roots toward my face and neck would mostly be bleached. After I washed it the second time, it was yellow! It looked pretty cool, though.

Then I grabbed a jar of "manic panic" that I happened to have around, in the shade of "pretty flamingo". I remembered watching this video from a girl called AmberKatelynBeale, where she said that if you didn't want your colors to bleed, to use conditioner on the parts you don't want colored. Something like that... So I grabbed the conditioner, and started working it into my scalp, so that only the tips of my spiked hair would be exposed. This way, the pink hair dye wouldn't cover my whole head, and I would end up with a cool "yellow spiky hair with pink tips" look.

I put the dye on, washed out my hair, and I looked awesome. Then I pretty much quit dreaming and woke up.

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