Monday, February 17, 2014

Girl Scouts: World Thinking Day

Well Tricity seemed to be feeling a little better on Sunday, and she tried her hardest not to show that she was still sick. She was using cough drops, took her medicine without any arguments, and she wanted to go to her Girl Scout event so, so very badly! I didn't have the heart to keep her home, even though I knew she shouldn't be getting out. She ate chicken noodle soup, and was determined to make this day go as planned. How can you say no to such a determined little seven year old?

She laid down with me and we took a nap until it was time to get up and get ready. I only had about an hour and a half of sleep since getting off of work, but when the alarm went off, we got up and started getting dressed, and I got our hair done. I was just finishing my makeup, and she was getting on her coat and shoes, when Adam came home to take us to the troop leader's house. Then he would have to go help Buddy move (our friends whom he has always called his brother, so they are actually more like family to us!). He was going to be gone all day, making a long trip to pick up some furniture and stuff for their new house, since their old house burnt down, and people were donating things to them. However, right before we were going out the door, his phone chimed with a text message.

Sadly, it was the Girl Scout leader, who was informing us that all of her drivers were bailing on her, so there wouldn't be any room to give us a ride. Tricity was devastated. She started crying her eyes out, and I felt heartbroken for her. We THOUGHT that Adam would have felt sorry for his little girl, and would have taken her, but no... He said he already made a commitment to helping them move today, and that today was the only day they could do it. I'm sure that part was a lie (like they couldn't have picked up the furniture any other day?) but I know how he is when it comes to doing stuff with US. If it's for anyone else, he'll bend over backwards, but when it comes to us, it's like pulling teeth to get him to do anything. I hate to speak poorly of him this way, but he knows he's like this, and that's how he chooses to be.

Anyway, I told him that he could at least apologize. He said that it wasn't his fault, so why should he apologize? I told him that he could apologize for not taking her since her ride bailed. He COULD have some SYMPATHY for her, instead of yelling at her to stop crying. She was heartbroken. She wanted to go so badly! How could he not see that? I couldn't help but to start crying for her, as well. I hated to see her feelings get hurt like that. Adam was about to walk out the door and leave us there without even saying goodbye or without helping to cheer her up, when his phone went off again.

THANKFULLY one of the Girl Scout moms said she would be going, so there was room for us after all! The day was saved! Thank you SO MUCH to Winter's mom! :-D Adam took us over to the troop leader's house, and we all departed to go to Cape Girardeau for the event. It was held at the Eagle's Club, but I can't find any information on the event listed anywhere online... It was fun, though!

There were different tables set up all around the room in a circle, and each one had poster boards with information and pictures on different countries. Each troop that attended would represent a different country. Ours was Nicaragua, because one, our troop leader said there wasn't that many spaces left when she called to make the reservation, and two, it was perfect for our troop since that was where she had just taken a trip last year, with her church group. She had neat souvenirs, coins, and personal photos to share :-D

This was also our first time deal with SWAPs! All the girls went around to each country (table) and after they learned about that country, they picked up a SWAP (which is short for "Share With A Pal"). Most of them were just beads on a safety pin, with the colors that represented that country, and with the name of the country pinned on as well. Some of them were a little more crafty, such as the pipe-cleaner mummies, the Hong Kong bows of rice, and the cheese. I'll have to show you pictures when I get the video up!

They also got to try a different kind of food or drink that represented that country (if those troops brought anything like that). Even us parents got to sample things we hadn't tried before. Some of them were kind of plain or inaccurate, like hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls for Egypt (they called them "mummy dogs"), or English Muffin sandwiches for England. Others were accurate, and neat to try! From India, they had REAL spicy Indian food! They looked like some kind of ball with green stuff inside that was hot. From another country, they also had fried plantains! I never tried them before, so I ate one. They tasted like fried potatoes! I was surprised. Tricity also tried a mango. She never had one before that we could remember.

It was completely not what I expected, but it was pretty awesome :-D I didn't know how it was going to be like, and I'm so glad I got to go! And I'm even MORE glad that Tricity got to experience it. She made me proud, trying things I didn't think she was going to try. She said she loved the fried plantains, though she said nothing beat the spaghetti from Italy! lol (Spaghetti is her FAVORITE!) I hope she learned something, as well.

With that being said, thanks for reading, and please follow us for more stories like this!

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