Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tricity is Sick :-(

I feel so bad for my little Tricity... She's been sick for over a week now. We tried to pass it off as a cold, but Tuesday, she got an ear infection, and starting two days ago, she's been coughing and vomiting. When I get the video up, you'll see how she was just constantly coughing, not really getting a break in between. She said her back was hurting, and I told her it was from all the strain. Plus, she would cough so hard that it would make her gag, and she would puke...

We took her to the hospital last night, and they gave her cough medicine (which I was giving her children's mucinex, but I guess that wasn't the right stuff? The doctor said to try something with DM next time...) and they prescribed her an antibiotic for her ear, which he said would also take care of any respiratory problems. After taking the medicine, she got so drowsy, and her body finally calmed down. Then she fell asleep. I got video of her, and I'll put it up when everything calms down around here.

Today? She got another dose of medicine after waking up this morning, both the cough medicine and the antibiotics, and then she went to sleep with me since Adam had to work overtime today, and I had to get some sleep after just getting off of work. We slept until he came home. He ate, and then he wanted to lay down, so we all laid down together again. We got up for a couple of hours, and we asked her if she was hungry. She said yeah, but when we fixed her something, she just wasn't in the mood to eat. Then about an hour later, she threw up again, and went to sleep, curled up on Adam. So she has slept just about all day without eating... I feel so bad for her :-(

Now I'm at work, and on the way here, he asked her if she was feeling hungry yet. She said yeah, so he said he would stop and grab a burger for her. I just called to check in on them, and Adam said she ate it pretty fast, so it looks like her appetite may be coming back. I told him that he better lay something down on the bed tonight just to be sure, in case she pukes from having the burger. You never know... All she did earlier was drink water, and it came up... Plus after scarfing the burger down, her stomach might not be in the mood, you know what I mean?

I really hope she gets to feeling better... Tomorrow is supposed to be World Thinking Day for her Girl Scout troop, and they are going to Cape Girardeau to try all kinds of different foods from around the world, so I'm hoping she'll be well enough to go. I'd hate for her to have a horrible day there, or to miss out on it altogether. It sounds like a great experience for the girls! I'm just mostly worried about her... I know she must be feeling crummy :-(

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