Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving on the Homestead

First off, I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to anyone who follows my blog! I may not always update my YouTube channel like I want to, but I've been trying to keep this old thing updated, so I appreciate anyone who stops by for a view ♥

First of all today, I got up and we got the day started with taking care of the animals and cleaning up to make room for all the meal work. That included changing out the water filter, which meant there was still some water left in the end of the old bottle. Of course Khloe, being the goofball she is, decided to drink the rest of it, and it just looked hilarious to me, so I snapped a pic. We called it, "When you just love water soooo much!" X-D

I wanted to watch the parade like I used to do all the time when I was growing up, but of course Adam wouldn't let me. In the whole 16 years we've been together, he's never let me watch the Thanksgiving day parade, except when it was on at my Mom's or at his Mom's... Anyway, I got the turkey started first because I figured it would take the longest. I put it in the roaster on 300 to start with for the first hour, and then I was going to put it on 450 for the next 3 hours. Khloe and Devin watched me. They were very interested in it, which made me happy! I was also pretending to do a cooking video where I was setting up the turkey, and Khloe said technically in our new kitchen, I could actually do that. I said yeah, that's eventually my goal! To do cooking videos, once I get comfortable enough with my body.

As it cooks, I go and sit down, thinking - I can play online for a while and then when it gets to be 1 1/2 hours left, I'll start working on the sides! Right? So I'm playing online and I can smell the turkey cooking. It's smelling amazing. I get up and go to look out the front door, looking through the glass, and I just see Chief staring from far away.

Just staring at me. He's such a cutie! ^_^ So then I decide that since it's feeling nice outside, and I'm in my warm new Harry Potter pajamas, I'd go outside and check on the pups. I put on Adam's boots. I think it's funny that most of us in this house all wear the same shoe size! Me, Adam, and Tricity all wear the same size, and Devin and Khloe are one size under, but they're catching up fast! So here I am with my new jammies, and with Adam's boots on.

Then I check on the puppies (and Ruby), and they're doing just fine and as cute as can be! I also check on what's left of my quails. They're fine. Castiel and Chief are good. Everyone seems to be doing alright! The dogs will get their Thanksgiving dinner later, but I made sure to get this cute picture of the 4 pups all lined up ^_^ If you don't know, from left to right is Blue, Annie, Lilith, and Rowena.

Now it has been about an hour, so I turn the turkey roaster up to 450 and it is my intention to let it cook for 3 more hours, right? I could have sworn I had turkies before that took that long to cook! Anyway, I decide to check Facebook, and I see this memory for 10 years ago... 10 YEARS AGO!!! Can you believe it's been so long? Here is Tricity from 10 years ago when she was in Kindergarten doing her Thanksgiving Feast at school. Wasn't she just the cutest? ♥

After some time, the alarm goes off telling me there's 1 hour and 30 minutes left until the turkey is expected to be done. I need help cleaning some dishes so I can get the sides started, so I called for the older kids to come help. When they come in, I start explaining to them what I need, and when I look in the direction of the kitchen, there is smoke EVERYWHERE! The house was filled with it. How did I not know?! I jump up and run to the turkey and turn it off, pull back the lid, and this is what I see...

Oh no... I had burnt the turkey!!!  >_<  Adam tried saying it wasn't burnt, it was just Cajun style. The good thing is that it was just the skin! The inside was perfect and strange enough, it was very moist! The flavor was excellent (thanks to my prep work) and it was all cooked. Thankfully, despite it looking terrible, it tasted great! The turkey was saved! So I whipped up the sides as fast as I could, and then our feast was finally ready to be enjoyed for the next few days.

We had:
Green bean casserole
Corn on the cob
Salted butter for the corn
Sweet Hawaiian rolls
Cornbread stuffing
Cranberry sauce
Mac and cheese
Baked beans
Mashed potatoes
Deviled eggs
German chocolate cake
Pumpkin pie
Pecan pie

For being the first Thanksgiving since my surgery, it took me about 6 hours to get through my plate! Any other year, I'd have gotten 2 plates full and taken them with me to my seat so I didn't have to get back up, but this year, I was only able to have about a teaspoon of everything. I also ended up crying during dinner, because we went around and said what we were thankful for. When it got to be my turn, I was just so overwhelmed. I know some bad things happened this year, but there's been so much to be thankful for as well! Thankful for our home, our family, my surgery, our animals... So very much! And I made sure to stress to the kids how today is a day to realize all the good things in your life and not take them for granted. Hopefully next year there will be even more good things to be thankful for! Hopefully Adam will get his surgery, and we can fix up our home. So with that, I say Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Be safe, be thankful, and be full! lol

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